
in #knewweigh6 years ago (edited)

Game theory is a subset of probability and statistics research that allows for enough repetitions to create a true ratio of variables. The measures of any game can be simulated on a computer a hundred times and then used to predict the probable outcome of similar events. Sports competition reaches the level of statistically significant based upon the number of games on the schedule. Baseball plays 162 games per year - enough time for the cream to rise.

The Hall-of-Fame is the place where players of highest caliber performance are rewards by the fans, via the perspective of the media. The politically correct faction of rewriting history has decided that players like Pete Rose, Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds should be punished for their personality rather than rewarded for their performance. The entirety of history is rewritten in the same weigh, hiding personalities because of their anti-social behaviors from political perspectives.

The fact that athletes of this day make millions of dollars for playing games demonstrates the value of consistent performance measures. The players unions negotiated a larger share of the pie back in the 1960's, when a personal hero named Curt Flood protested his trade from St.Louis because he didn't want to uproot his family, so he challenged the system. The system caved, Curt opened the floodgates for many other players to become millionaires, but not for his own sake. Because it was the right thing to do.

The knew weigh radio show on steempunk radio is a game where Doctor Lenny Thyme can speak his mind on many topics from a perspective of Crypto-Fiction. The show resumes next Friday - one week from today at 10:00 a.m. eastern standard time. You can find us on the tune-in app. The show airs from a Discord chatroom - which you can get by personal invitation from any member.

wanna be a member? wanna be a memebr? wanna be a member?

The game has eight stages, the radio show is a group game. The show hosts are actors playing the roles of radio personalities and taking on the function of entertainment, based on personal perspective. Each of us is a human on human scale. The eight show hosts will rotate with Dr. Lenny Thyme serving as facilitator. The hosts represent perspectives of their professions, looking at a strange knew world through the eyes of their character, who is developing experience.

As of solstice, the games shifts gears. The two level is splitting to a three, and the three is advancing to a five. The games of group theory is the second level game - seeing how individuals in existence form collectives on a small scale. The guild theory is the third level game, where guildmeisters define the protocols of their specialty and work through apprenticeships to develop expertise.

The guilds represent domains of knowledge that have been compartmentalized. Life is a LARP.

Namaste' ... doc

ike newton though concept.jpg

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