
Send me a link video?

I have seen the video from Nasa and its fake!!!

In other words, show me a REAL video or REAL photo from space... you can't!! Do you know why?? Because space is not real... we have been lied to by the Free Masons for a long time, the earth is flat... research it! then come back when you woke up and thank me with some upvotes ;)..

Real-time images of the Earth, taken from the Japanese satellite Himawari 8

Are you telling me that this looks REAL to you???

fake ball.png

Looks as fake as NASA footage or even more!! Because space is not real, we never been to the moon..

Well obviously the yellow lines are an overlay to show you where the land masses are when it's cloudy or night, and you did happen to grab a shot when it was night time so you can't actually see most of the earth., but yes, this is the earth as seen from space.

ahh ok! That is earth from space?? Because all you show me is some computer graphic!!

So tell me one thing does this look more like a lunar module or a homeless tweaker shelter to you??

lunar module or homeless tweaker shelter.jpg

That is what NASA claim they went to the moon in in the 60s... and they can't go to the moon today, because of the "van allan belt"... lol... DUDE you need to do some research ... the earth is fucking flat..

Check out this video if you like:

The yellow outlines are an overlay over a photo. That shouldn't be hard to understand. I would have linked the real-time NASA feed of the earth first, but flat earthers get triggered by any mention of NASA,

But for what it's worth, here's the link to NASA's REAL (Non composite) photos of the earth...

ok. I'm done.

Done? you didn't send link to real video or photo of space !! lol

I'm done as in I don't see the point in continuing the conversation. I'm not going to try and convince you of something. I accept the fact that we have different views.


@acidyo ... one day you will also see the truth.. that the earth is flat... for now you are my favorite BALLHEAD :0)

It is not different views. Someone has a different "idea".

The views are going to always be the same. Round earth.

yes and you are what we call a BALLHEAD.. meaning that you still see the earth as a ball when it is proven to be flat... its ok, I was a ballearther most of my life... I woke up over the last 6-9 months...

The earth is flat... there are 200 proofs and zero proof of a ball earth... its the biggest fiction show ever... go you google and type "earth from space" then you will see nothing but cartoons and CGI's, not one real picture of the supposed ball earth!!!

You got brainwashed!

Proven?!?!?!?! You have to be kidding me.

Idiot.. uninformed.

I watched the first video in the channel... its all computer generated... Space is not real

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