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RE: The Face of a Madman...

in #klye6 years ago

Well, if you want the opinion of a woman haha
I like how you look, you look fresher and younger.
I do not know why you think you look bad, you look great!
By the way, if it's not too much trouble I wanted to invite you to read my posts. I would greatly appreciate if you take the time to read them, and in case you like them, I would appreciate it if you would give me a vote, a comment, or a resteem.
You have my vote, and I stay attentive to your next publications!


I'm 29 years old and look like I'm 22... So I can't really bitch really!

Thank you for the compliments and ego boost! I've always been my own worst critic.

Might come check out your blog later. Cheers!

You're absolutely gorgeous by the way..! My lord are you ever built proper! They don't make living goddesses likee you up here in Canada it seems.. If you're ever up this way get a hold of me. Would gladly take you out on the town for some good food and fine drink. <3

Ow, you'll make me blush Kyle!
I would love to visit Canada someday and meet you, in Venezuela there are no guys like you haha, I like your sense of humor by the way.
In response to your previous comment, is not it better to always look younger?

Hell, I'd fly you up here worst comes to worse.. However it's still winter for another month or two.. Only draw back to this country is that the place is a frozen sh!thole for over half the year!

What Iack in meathead muscles and polite manners I make up for with degenerate humour and no shame, only glory! I'm on the fence about the looking younger part.. Used to get offended when people would ask for ID when buying beer.. Now I take it as a compliment. :P

I'd hope there isn't guys like me in Venezuela.. The world only needs one maniac like me lest it be corrupted to the brim. :P

Lemme know what your schedule looks like, Mines flexible and I've basically no thing important planned that cannot be shifted. :D

Made my day to be honest, I didn't think women as beautiful as yourself even noticed white lanky nerd bodied neckbeards like me. .. <3

Ow, but if you are very cute!
And I do not mean just your physical appearance, but how you express yourself. You are very polite and sweet

That's just how I come off initially. To be fair I'm either quite timid or a raging asshole depending on the situation... XD Sort of had to be a daptable given the way I grew up and being on my own from an early age.. Eventually the charm wears off and you realize I'm just a wee bit of an insane asshat, but that is where the humour and creativity comes from.

You've got far more education than I do it seems, and the fact you're basically fluent in english as well as your native tongue makes my mind speculate towards you're likely a highly intelligent woman. as well. Brains and beauty along with a kind heart and love for animals is rare! In reality you're as rare as a unicorn and likely an alpha female.. If I wasn't so entranced my inner nerd would have taken over and ran away from such a beautiful, bold and intelligent creature like you.. :P

Honesty though, still blown away that a woman of your caliber would take the time to interact with me.. Sure I've dated models and that sort in the past.. But al of them combined would not be able to hold a candle to how absolutely stunning as well as smart you are..

New Steem crush, possible future ex wife and at the very least an awesome woman from a foreign country that called me man pretty.. <3

Physical appearance isn't that important to me, it's simply a bonus.. More attracted to intelligence and ambition than curves and such.. Weird I know.. I believe the term is sapiosexual. :)

The truth, the physical attraction is the least of all in my opinion, because of a beautiful body you forget closing your eyes, but not of a mind.
Why ex-wife? hahaha, if I got married, I would not like a divorce.
I'm very old-fashioned, and I think when you marry someone it's to be for a lifetime.
How nice that you consider me your crush here, when just getting to know me today
I hope we can keep in touch forever, and keep long and interesting talks!
and write all the best I can haha

The ex-wife thing is a joke. I don't think any woman on this planey could put up with me for a whole lifetime... XD

The old ways of keeping together seem to be dying up here.. So much divorce and failed marraige. No one wants to unconditionally love or fix problems anymore sadly, they just bounce to the next person. :/

I'm with you on that if I ever do end up settling down with the perfect wife it would have to be forever, A man's love for his partner is unconditional if it's true love.. Sadly it seems to not be the case with the love women here in Canada seem to have grown accustomed to.

I have many STEEM Wives as joke granted I've my own religion which allows unlimited amount of cyber wives.. :P I think you're lined up to be STEEM wife like 40 something... I lost count. It's fun to just go around and claim wives as I go about my daily internetting. XD

Cheers lovely. Thanks for making my day brighter and opening my eyes to the possibility that my equal is out there, I would never want a co-dependent wife.. she needs to be her own empire and I mine, then have our ambitions and skills combined to become unstoppable in all aspects. :)

Oh, then I stop feeling special if you have other girls like me, and if you tell them all the same.

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