The whole truth about the kiss)

in #kiss6 years ago

At the time of a romantic date, people usually think about how the kiss goes, the main thing is that at the same time lovers feel reciprocity and tenderness to each other. However, representatives of the older generation often warn their granddaughters: look, do not kiss with open eyes, it is absolutely impossible. A natural question is why, often the answer should be: "I love and pass away."

Ancient belief about love
Superstitious Slavs carefully protected their feelings from outside influence and curious looks. In this regard, and there were many superstitions and beliefs that help, as people believed, to protect feelings from enemies. It was considered that love and all that goes with it – the innermost and intimate feelings, so any interference can disrupt the mystery and hurt in love. Kiss followed, just close my eyes, open when kissing eyes symbolized not enough deep feeling and prudence of the partner.
The modern science of physiology a kiss
Psychologists and physiologists find a modern, rational explanation for the fact that a kiss should still bury his eyes.
First, at the time of a kiss on the human brain is a significant sensory load, if the eyes remain open, it contributes to an additional load on the brain. This dual effect causes sudden fatigue, and after the kiss the person does not feel the euphoria and rise, and Vice versa – fatigue and apathy.

Secondly, with a significant approach of the object to the eyes, the contours are blurred, and the image is highly distorted. If at least one of the partners leaves his eyes open, he sees the distorted features of his beloved, which will not give a person aesthetic pleasure.
Thirdly, it was believed that at the time of the kiss man needs to relax and not to control your emotions, and to withdraw completely into a world of sensations and sensuality. If the partner at the time of the kiss opens his eyes, the second person will feel embarrassed and embarrassed, fearing that uncontrollable emotions make his face unattractive.


А я часто не закрываю глаза...

А я наоборот всегда закрываю.....теперь буду думать что ты рассматриваешь в этот момент!?!?))

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