King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud talked with his son, Prince Mohammed bin Salman. REUTERS

in #king7 years ago

Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud decides to step down and surrender his entire power to the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman or MBS, a greeting to him.

In an exclusive report of the Daily Mail, November 16, 2017, sources close to the Saudi royal family said King Salman would be involved as a leading figure of ceremonial events after resigning.

Read: King Salman Appoints Mohammed bin Salam So Crown Prince

"King Salman will announce the appointment of SBM as the King of Saudi Arabia next week, unless there is a dramatic incident, King Salman will play the role of a queen in the UK He will only hold the post of" Keeper of the Holy City, "said the source.

Photo showing Arab princes, ministers and businesspeople arrested on corruption charges, sleeping on thin mattresses held on carpets with their bodies wrapped in blankets at the Ritz Carlton Hotel Riyadh.

The handover of power took place only about a month after MBS conducted massive reforms with the arrest and detention of more than 40 princes and a number of ministers and former ministers over allegations of corruption.

Read: These are 2 Main Characters of Saudi Arabia Corruptor Hunters

MBS ordered them to stay behind and slept under a thin mattress inside a Ritz Carlton hotel in the city of Riyadh that turned functionality into a detention center.

According to another source, the crown prince will face a number of current hot issues such as the Iranian problem, a Saudi arch rival in oil trade in the Middle East. Iran is feared to take military action.

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