Kindergarten Here I Come!

in #kindergarten8 years ago (edited)

Ok so today is 8-15-16 my very first blog/post whatever you like to call it
AND it is my S0n's first day in Kindegarten:) Although it's his first day, he
has had experience with interacting with other kids by having to report to
daycare for his first 5yrs. He was born Feb.2011 half Blk/Mex/hondoran and
he is one of the happiest kids you will ever meet!
I started this post with the initial thought of asking other parents how they
first felt when their child or children first started Kindergarten. I would
love to hear from you parents out there here on Steemit. Kindergarten is a
big deal to me as this is where it actually starts - being in school for the
majority of your LIFE! Plus I thought this would be the perfect first blog
that I post here. My son is naturally an artist, he loves trains/trainformers/eduational
cartoons, of course Pokemon and as the day's roll by, I will be posting up
videos and whatnot of him doing what he does and you can decide to follow up
on his growth:) You can follow me to catch my soon Introduction post and
other interesting things about me and my s0n. I make my own music, cut my own
my hair, day-trade....
Here is a few takes the night b4 getting ready for his big day:) Excuse my voice as I was real tired and didn't feel like talking and my s0n's hair is a mess I know! lol His hair is naturally curly but with a little nap to it haha Real soft, you MUST feel it!

Last minute shopping:)


You are an attentive father. 💗 He is adorable. Hope kindergarten is going well for him and for you.

Thank you and yes, very attentive! Nice choice of words :) He is my best friend indeed. He was real famous when a baby. I mean everywhere we went, it was non-stop attention. Now he get's ppl saying he should be on t.v. because of his personality. He is too too happy :) He is loving Kindergarten but@the same time, he is missing Daddy-Day-Care:(
Thank-you for making my day:)