Kind ads :Networking ads

in #kind6 years ago


# 1
Kind Ads ICO - The Future of Advertising without Irritation for Users

These guys plan to show more relevant ads through better channels like email or push notifications so people can browse the web without being bombarded by intrusive and irrelevant ads on websites.

Kind Ads Solves Problems

The idea here is to make publishers run better and more profitable campaigns and website users see only what they are interested in, without ads they don't care of and only make websites look bad.

They not only plan to cut out the middle men in advertising but also make the Internet more kind. From having a domain rating score which protects advertisers and to leverage newer technology such as push notifications or chatbots. This way advertising could be done in a way which isn't as irritating and doesn't ruin the user experience.

The company also seeks to cater to advertisers with an offering that is lower priced and more effective, giving advertisers a higher return on their spend.

Team and Advisors

There names there are really standing out like Neil Patel, founder of KISSmetrics and Crazy Egg, or Trevor Koverko, the founder and CEO of Polymath that wants to bring securities into blockchain. Also Krutal Desai from Wordpress or Nadav Dakner, a famous marketer are worth to note. There is few more interesting people so be sure to visit their site!

Free Airdrop

To kickstart with the platform they are doing free airdrop for registered users on their site. Check it out!

Telegram group:

This post is just an information. As always remember to do your own research before investing in anything.

# 2
Meet “Kind Ads”: Disrupting our current and flawed advertising industry, one ad at a time



Meet “Kind Ads”: Disrupting our current and flawed advertising industry, one ad at a time


Our annoyance regarding online ads is finally getting fixed
Every person that surfers the net for just a few minutes, will probably encounter one way or another, an ad that is completely interrupting the user experience and even bothering the person in question. Like when we are immerse reading something interesting and then a pop-up ad appears, or even worst, when we are seeing a video, and exactly when the most exciting part is coming, the video is interrupted by a video advertisement, this has even happened to me several times on the same video without it getting finished!

It is fair to say that ads is a factor so intrinsic to the internet, that we start to develop sort of an unconscious reaction IMG_20180521_082305_586.JPG

in which instinctively we start to close them as fast as we can (especially the ones that interrupt) without even watching what the ad is all about, and only wanting to close it as soon as possible so we can continue with whatever we were doing before being interrupted. We didn’t ask to see that ad anyways, so why should we bother to really take a look at it? It is just a waste of time, and a waste of money for the advertiser as well.

But of course, the reason why we are bombarded with so many ads, is because for many websites and content creators, that is the only way in which they can monetize their content, by adopting an inefficient ad strategy that most of the time ends up being annoying for the visitor.

This is clearly not the best strategy for content creator and content consumer to interact between each other, there must be a better way in which everyone can benefit, without annoying or disturbing anyone… and thanks to the new platform called Kind Ads, there is indeed a way.


What makes Kind Ads especial, and gives it an opportunity to disrupt this industry, is that unlike traditional advertisements platforms, Kind Ads leverage blockchain technology in order to offer all sort of incentives for its participants, that turns what could before be considered as annoying, into something not only fun and interesting, but also, something rewarding.


Under the Kind Ads platform, instead of having sudden and random ads that the user never asked to see, every participant will now have much more control over the way things are handled regarding any type of advertisement.

For example, in the last few months, there was a scandal with Facebook about the misuse of personal information from their users in what turned out to be a mainstream issue with people all over the world providing coverage to this abuse.

Something like that could never happen when using Kind Ads platform, because not only the users are able to explicitly indicate how much of their information can be used and shared, but also because since all of this is blockchain based, every user will be able to track down what is being done with their information, and if there is any publisher (content creator) that misuse this data, it would seriously affect its reputation, which takes us to the next point.

With Kind Ads, there is a reputation system that ranks each and every publisher that is using the platform based on the opinion of the users, so instead of there being incentives to misuse any private information like in the case of Google and Facebook, now there is a penalization that could affect future profits. If a publisher is discovered doing some kind of abuse, people will stop interacting with that publisher as a result, and it will be reflected in its reputation so everyone can be aware of it.


This adds a new layer of protection that wasn’t there before, imagine if we could rank Google and Facebook based on how well they respect the privacy of their users, how do you think they would rank? Obviously, they would rank very bad.

So by offering the market an alternative that is better for everyone involved, it could help make the ad industry a place much more friendly towards people creating the content, and people consuming it.


The typical way of monetizing content for publishers is by adopting ad campaigns that are not only very inefficient as mentioned before, but also disturbs the experience when visiting certain websites.

Now, the best possible strategy for publishers will be to build an online relationship with the consumer of their content, in order to provide them with ads that are non intrusive, and completely related to the content's niche. Besides, there will always be the option for the users to opt out and don’t consume any of the ads. The fact that ads will not be randomly placed on the website, will strengthen even more the interaction between the participants. This way, there will be no one being annoyed by the way content is being monetized.

By using Kind Ads, users will be able to only consume the type of ads they enjoy the most, and it will be in a non intrusive way, so their experience won’t be affected at all. In fact, they can even receive a share of the ad rewards based on their level of engagement and the level of information they are willing to share about themselves, all voluntarily of course. These rewards will be in the form of the KIND token, and below you can see a graphical representation showing this token will be used to power every type of transaction:


Meet “Kind Ads”: Disrupting our current and flawed advertising industry, one ad at a time
dedicatedguy (62) in blockchain • 13 hours ago


Our annoyance regarding online ads is finally getting fixed
Every person that surfers the net for just a few minutes, will probably encounter one way or another, an ad that is completely interrupting the user experience and even bothering the person in question. Like when we are immerse reading something interesting and then a pop-up ad appears, or even worst, when we are seeing a video, and exactly when the most exciting part is coming, the video is interrupted by a video advertisement, this has even happened to me several times on the same video without it getting finished!

It is fair to say that ads is a factor so intrinsic to the internet, that we start to develop sort of an unconscious reaction in which instinctively we start to close them as fast as we can (especially the ones that interrupt) without even watching what the ad is all about, and only wanting to close it as soon as possible so we can continue with whatever we were doing before being interrupted. We didn’t ask to see that ad anyways, so why should we bother to really take a look at it? It is just a waste of time, and a waste of money for the advertiser as well.

But of course, the reason why we are bombarded with so many ads, is because for many websites and content creators, that is the only way in which they can monetize their content, by adopting an inefficient ad strategy that most of the time ends up being annoying for the visitor.

This is clearly not the best strategy for content creator and content consumer to interact between each other, there must be a better way in which everyone can benefit, without annoying or disturbing anyone… and thanks to the new platform called Kind Ads, there is indeed a way.

Kind Ads potential impact in the ad industry
What makes Kind Ads especial, and gives it an opportunity to disrupt this industry, is that unlike traditional advertisements platforms, Kind Ads leverage blockchain technology in order to offer all sort of incentives for its participants, that turns what could before be considered as annoying, into something not only fun and interesting, but also, something rewarding.

Under the Kind Ads platform, instead of having sudden and random ads that the user never asked to see, every participant will now have much more control over the way things are handled regarding any type of advertisement.

For example, in the last few months, there was a scandal with Facebook about the misuse of personal information from their users in what turned out to be a mainstream issue with people all over the world providing coverage to this abuse.

Something like that could never happen when using Kind Ads platform, because not only the users are able to explicitly indicate how much of their information can be used and shared, but also because since all of this is blockchain based, every user will be able to track down what is being done with their information, and if there is any publisher (content creator) that misuse this data, it would seriously affect its reputation, which takes us to the next point.

With Kind Ads, there is a reputation system that ranks each and every publisher that is using the platform based on the opinion of the users, so instead of there being incentives to misuse any private information like in the case of Google and Facebook, now there is a penalization that could affect future profits. If a publisher is discovered doing some kind of abuse, people will stop interacting with that publisher as a result, and it will be reflected in its reputation so everyone can be aware of it.

This adds a new layer of protection that wasn’t there before, imagine if we could rank Google and Facebook based on how well they respect the privacy of their users, how do you think they would rank? Obviously, they would rank very bad.

So by offering the market an alternative that is better for everyone involved, it could help make the ad industry a place much more friendly towards people creating the content, and people consuming it.

How can Kind Ads improve the industry?
The typical way of monetizing content for publishers is by adopting ad campaigns that are not only very inefficient as mentioned before, but also disturbs the experience when visiting certain websites.

Now, the best possible strategy for publishers will be to build an online relationship with the consumer of their content, in order to provide them with ads that are non intrusive, and completely related to the content's niche. Besides, there will always be the option for the users to opt out and don’t consume any of the ads. The fact that ads will not be randomly placed on the website, will strengthen even more the interaction between the participants. This way, there will be no one being annoyed by the way content is being monetized.

By using Kind Ads, users will be able to only consume the type of ads they enjoy the most, and it will be in a non intrusive way, so their experience won’t be affected at all. In fact, they can even receive a share of the ad rewards based on their level of engagement and the level of information they are willing to share about themselves, all voluntarily of course. These rewards will be in the form of the KIND token, and below you can see a graphical representation showing this token will be used to power every type of transaction:

By including the users as a participant that can receive direct benefits, it will automatically guarantee an interest in checking the ads out, as well as doing the necessary things to personalize those ads even more, with the goal of being as effective as possible when gaining the users attention.

And not only the users will have the opportunity to be rewarded by engaging with the ads they like the more, other benefit is that publishers will increase their ad revenue, because there will be no middleman like with the traditional ad platforms. Publishers won’t need to pay fees, and the payments will be instantly, without having to wait weeks or months, which was the normal waiting time until now.


The fact this platform is about decentralizing how the ads campaigns work with the help of the reputation system, eventually, only honest and useful ads will be the one available to consume, bad players will be driven out of the market, which is something far from truth with the traditional ads platform. We all know that when visiting certain websites, there are some ads that might be malicious and might even try to infect our computer with viruses. A risk like that, thanks to the reputation system, would be practically non existent under the Kind Ads platform.



The current ad industry is full of flaws, from abusing the users personal information, to malicious and annoying ads that disturbs the user experience when visiting certain websites, and last but not least, it is based on a inefficient way of deployment regarding ads campaigns.

Each and everyone of those problems is solved when using the Kind Ads platforms. By leveraging blockchain technology they can offer a decentralized way to evaluate publishers based on the quality of the content and the ads they display, which would eliminate malicious ads, as well as eliminating abuse regarding users private information. Users will no longer be annoyed because ads will stop being intrusive, and also, they will be able to receive rewards based on how much engagement and interaction they have with said ads. And publishers, will have a better way to monetize their content, in which visitors are respected while also allowing for a more efficient ad strategy to take place.

Besides, they also count with the wisdom of people with enough expertise in this industry, and knowing the ins and outs of a business will always be a plus when trying to get a portion of the market share.

If you want to know more about this project, I invite you to check their website

If interested about how this platforms works and its technical details, you will find useful information in their Whitepaper

And if you want to get into contact with them, feel free to visit their Twitter and Telegram

Here is a video I made sharing my thoughts about this platform

And next one for easy understanding the concept of Kind Ads....

This video is made by @kitani i have just add to give a learning concept of KIND Ads..

In case you still have a question about this project, feel free to leave a comment below and I will answer it.


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