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RE: Atlantic City

in #killerpoetry6 years ago

This symbolism junkie is satisfied. I appreciate a puzzle, a challenge and prefer reading between the lines. At first pass, I perceived the 3rd part as the final tying together of the previous two, and then had to step back in my expectation as the 4th came scrolling through my screen, like the love child you never knew you needed until they arrived.


I think, and this is going a good bit back so I can't guarantee, but I think I originally wrote this to be three sections, and it just wasn't lining up right with the narrative I wanted to convey. I can't remember if the third or fourth existed first in the original drafts, but I'm happy with the impact of the fourth and don't see it directly competing with the messaging in the third.

but yes, haha, I'm so happy you enjoyed your read, @eyedreemit, thank you so much!


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