Killerwhale KillerPix Contest Entry #2: Camas Flowers

in #killerpix6 years ago (edited)

One of the staple foods most heavily relied upon by the tribes who lived in this area was camas. There are two plants that look VERY much alike, the purplish-blue camas and the white death camas. Yes, kills you dead and looks like the plant that is your bread and butter. Tell me God does not love irony... To further complicate the issue, you want to harvest camas in the fall, when the blooms are LONG gone leaving you nothing but the leaves of the two plants for identification. Of course they grow together, mixed in the same fields. The tribes would go out in the spring and mark every camas plant so they knew what was what at harvest time. While this sounds very tedious, remember they did not have to rototill, plant, weed, water... they just gathered so spending a little time marking what you wanted to gather was probably a pleasant task. They would be out there this time of year, on these lovely spring days walking through a sea of these blossoms. Not really such a terrible chore.


All photos taken this week with Fuji FinePix S8300 near Council, Idaho

These flowers will cover entire valleys in some areas, and they tend to follow creek beds and such often making it look almost like there is a pond or little stream in the distance. There are places all over the northwest called "Camas Prairie" that are more impressive than this, but you can get an idea of what a stunning show the camas puts on.

Not A Creek, Not A Mirage - Camas!


If you think you want to try foraging some of this, this is what the leaves look like. If you google "death camas leaves" you will find they look just the same so... this is NOT one to play around with. However, if you are serious about prepping and you live in northwestern United States, it is a plant worth learning about before you need it.

The Leaves Are Not Distinctive


Let me close this post by solving an ages old philosophical riddle, posed by William Shakespeare. You know the one, "...that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,"

Obviously, Two Bee.

This last photo is being entered in the new derangedphotography contest so if you like photography, do check that link out!

That top photo is my second entry into the Killerpix contest hosted by @Killerwhale. Had to nearly lay down to get that angle, but I wanted the flower against the sky and am pretty pleased with the result. I hope you liked it too!

THANK YOU for visiting my blog!



Wow! You really need to be careful. They are beautiful flowers and I do like the photo with the two bees! How would the mark the plants since the leaves look so similar...

What we were told is that first of all, the best camas patches were held by specific families so generation after generation they would try to pluck the death camas out of the patch. Each spring when they flowered, they would go take a couple of the bottom leaves and tie them in a knot, close to the base of the plant. As the leaves withered and died they would form a clump over the knot that was fairly easy to spot when harvesting.

Ingenious idea. You wouldn't want you family to die because you made a mistake picking the wrong plant.

I am thinking it would keep husbands from getting too lippy too... "Hey Honey, I just picked the fresh camas and cooked some up special for you..." ;)

The photos are beyond amazing @longsilver!! I bet that is quite the show and would be beautiful to see! I've heard the name but never knew anything about them or about the different types..thanks!!

Thanks! It really is stunning, there are entire valleys that are FULL of those blue blossoms, I am hoping to catch some pictures of that on our trip.

You're very welcome and that would be awesome!!

An interesting read that and I've learned my something new for today. The 'great pics' part goes without saying.

Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words!

Well done! Those images are very effective and I especially like that last one!

Thank you! A comment like that from a real photographer feels pretty good lol!

excellent friend You have my support. I hope to count on your support to keep growing. regards

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