Big Eyes Warning Me

in #killerpix6 years ago (edited)

#killerpix contest theme this week is butterfly! Come and check it out!

big eyes warning.JPG

This painted lady butterfly took a long break in my coneflowers last year! She pranced from flower to flower, posing up and down, and well ahead of my presence! I couldn't give up clicking and this one is my favorite! You can see in her eyes that she was annoyed!

Text and Photo @IcyBC All Rights Reserved!


She does look annoyed and you are pretty lucky that she doesn't have a stinger.

I truly love the perspective here, your angle makes the picture really interesting. I am terrible at getting any kind of insect, photographically, so I really appreciate anyone who can do it well. And yours fits that bill.

Thank you, Denise..I love chasing after them even when I was sweating a bucket in the heat, lol..

Oh, yes! We can look forward to another humid one today!

Lucky you :-) We are having the third day of rain here, lol...

She's almost saying: "Finally, you're focusing on my good side."

Haha...that is a great way to look at it :-)

Wow gorgeous shot. She didn't know you would pursue her until you got what you wanted! lol

Oh she was aware that I followed her around! It is rare to see different types of butterflies in my neighborhood..

That is a fantastic shot!!

Thank you..

Nice shot! Those colours are amazing!

Thank you

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