10 healthy tips to get your kids ready for back-to-school.

in #kids8 years ago

If you live down south like I do, it's already back-to-school time. What? Already? I'm still in shock. As a New York transplant I just cannot fathom these August school re-openings! And in this brutal heat? But that's another post. If you're like me and it's already back-to-school time, here are some tips to help you and your children make the transition back to school a little easier and a lot healthier: 

1. Sleep! and lots of it. If your kids are anywhere between the ages of 5 and 16, they still need a considerable amount of sleep to function at their best. Experts agree that between 3-6, your kids need about 12 hours per day. Seven to twelve year-olds need between 10-11 hours and the older kids still need about 8-9 hours each day. Without enough sleep, kids are cranky and their ability to retain information decreases. 

2. Breakfast- Fuel their minds with a good breakfast that rich in carbohydrates and low in sugar so they feel satisfied and not hyper. I find oatmeal and fruit to be a good choice for my family. Find something that your kids like and that's easy to prepare on hectic mornings. 

3. Physical activity and exercise- Nothing helps the brain and body function better than physical activity, so get the kids moving! But when school starts, don't over-schedule as you run the risk of burnout- for them and for you! 


4. Vitamins- A good multivitamin is essential in keeping kids healthy, especially for the picky eaters. 

5. Water and fluids-  Remind children to stop playing periodically for water breaks as they are easily dehydrated. Also, don't forget to keep them cool as you drive to and from school in the heat. 

6. Good hygiene- Before school starts it never hurts to go over the rules of good hygiene- particularly the importance of washing hands to prevent the spread of colds and flu viruses and other contagious diseases that run rampant in school settings and cause children to miss school. 

7. Physical- Back to school time is a great time to schedule your child's annual physical. Have their eyes and hearing checked too so they can function at their best. 

8. Cut back on television viewing and video games and encourage more reading to prepare their brains to focus on their school work so they can succeed. They can always make up for it on weekends. 

9. Communicate- Spend time with your children just shooting the breeze in a relaxed manner that will allow them to share their thoughts and feelings. Mental health is often overlooked in conversations about staying healthy; but it is important to remember that a healthy mind and a healthy body go hand in hand. 

10. Get involved at your child's school if you can. This will keep you "in the know" about issues that affect your child and that may threaten their happiness and sense of security at school such as bullying. Also research shows that kids with involved parents are balanced and well-adapted. Make time for your kids. Be there!

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