The New ZX Speccy Next Looks The Ferrets Teeth

in #kickstarted7 years ago

Now one normally does not care for kickstarters, nor emulator remakes of old school consoles. Owning a raspberry pi 3 one does not normally need to.

The spectrum next on the other hand raises a single eyebrow to a steep angle. Learning from the vega and spectrum plus valiant yet failed attempts to meet the mark.
I shall be getting this myself and thought to spread the word in my own little way. Not connected with the project or will profit in anyway, well other than playing it.

The shizzle is as follows:

No emulation here, actual remake.
Case design slickers than an oiled up seal.
HDMI, WiFi, SD and other new fangled gadgetry built in.
About the same price paid for a actual speccy back in the day.

Here the gubbins

Processor: Z80 3.5Mhz and 7Mhz modes
Memory: 512Kb RAM (expandable to 1.5Mb internally and 2.5Mb externally)
Video: Hardware sprites, 256 colours mode, Timex 8x1 mode etc.
Video Output: RGB, VGA, HDMI
Storage: SD Card slot, with DivMMC-compatible protocol
Audio: 3x AY-3-8912 audio chips with stereo output + FM sound
Joystick: DB9 compatible with Cursor, Kempston and Interface 2 protocols (selectable)
PS/2 port: Mouse with Kempston mode emulation and an external keyboard
Special: Multiface functionality for memory access, savegames, cheats etc.
Tape support: Mic and Ear ports for tape loading and saving
Expansion: Original external bus expansion port and accelerator expansion port
Accelerator board (optional): GPU / 1Ghz CPU / 512Mb RAM
Network (optional): Wi Fi module
Extras: Real Time Clock (optional), internal speaker (optional)

pic link from


Nice! I got my speccy back in 1983, taught myself to program it: basic first, then machine code... I loved it! I'll be first in line for the ZX Spectrum Next!

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