Kavanaugh Accuser Yearbook shows a culture of partying, faculty endorsed racism, predatory practices , promiscuity, So why were they scrubbed? History behind Blasey's family

in #kavanaughappointment6 years ago (edited)

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This article covers with full sources at the bottom,

  • Christine Blasey's high school years, which clearly were filled to the brim with partying and as her year book which states and apparently passed the supervisory board at the high school.

Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a Memory Lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is an integral part of the party scene.

  • Racism tolerated at this HS

  • Background of Blasey and family

  • The story told to the Washington Post September 16, 2018

  • Kavanaugh's statement

  • Photos and print from Christine's yearbook

*Predatory practices boasted about in the Yearbook, yet faculty allowed it to be published and continue

  • Her political affiliation and work she is involved in including activism against President Trump

  • An elite golf club her father belonged to which other presidents belonged to, which many were part of secret societies

Some of these photos and writings are from blogger who read the yearbooks of Christine Blasey Ford and saved them.

Here is part of what her article says and I will provide a link below.

On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:


And it would be an accurate headline. That’s why the yearbooks have been scrubbed. They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.

These yearbooks are, therefore, relevant to the national investigation now being conducted in the media, in homes, and in the halls of Congress. And they should not have been scrubbed. If Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbooks are fair game, so are these.

And you will wonder while reading them, why the hell did the faculty approve of these yearbooks? Why did the parents take out paid ads in these yearbooks? Animal House had nothing on the infamous “Holton party scene”.

The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh’s high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up. There’s no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks. It’s all there in focus, and the written word too. All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a “look the other way” faculty. And now it’s available for historical/evidentiary review.

It is to this wild Holton culture we must look in order to shed light on the last minute accusation by Christine Blasey. And in the official high school chronicles of this era, we find many names of people who can provide relevant evidence.

Christine “Chrissy” Blasey alleges she cannot recall the exact date, place or names of people who were at the party in question. This research is intended to refresh her recollection and the recollections of others who may recall key facts. (In this report, last names have been redacted and faces obscured, other than the picture of Chrissy Blasey seen below.)

The yearbook title is SCRIBE. The relevant issues are SCRIBE 82, SCRIBE 83 and SCRIBE 84, corresponding to Blaseys’s sophomore, junior and senior years, when she and her classmates (and Kavanaugh) were 15-17 year old juveniles.

While preparing this report, I came across a biased viral article from Heavy.com that portrays Christine Blasey and Holton-Arms as the very essence of high school purity. As for the school itself, when Blasey attended it, nothing could be further from the truth, as you will see below.

Brett Kavanaugh attended Georgetown Prep, graduating in the class of ’83. Blasey graduated from Holton-Arms in the class of ’84. The Georgetown Prep boys are mentioned affectionately multiple times in these brazen yearbooks.


Scribe 84 is the yearbook for her senior year. Her name was Christine Blasey in high school, often referred to as “Chrissy”. In the image below, Blasey is pictured at a Halloween party in her junior year. The caption on the right says:

“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

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The Halloween party pictured above would have taken place within sixteen weeks of the alleged assault, which Blasey claims happened in the Summer of ’82, after her sophomore year.

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Why was the faculty Allowing these to be published? Why were they condoning it?

Perhaps the answer lies in the Tavistock institute and what they set out to do here in the 60's.
Laid the groundwork for thinking this kind of behavior was the "norm!"

10th grade seems to have been a ritual initiation into the “Holton party scene”. Another sophomore girl threw multiple all night benders, the highlight of which featured a male erotic dancer in gold g-string:

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Notice the,

Francine in acts of wanton rage, smashed beakers in chemistry. Later she smashed the front door to the school ( I didn't know I had it in me).

The Varsity Hockey Team rolled teacher's houses.

Anita proclaimed that social diseases and urban blight, were synonymous.

Digressing from the party scene, we experimented with other forms of nightly entertainment. When Model U.N. was snowed in at the Sheraton without a chaperone, Sydney, Karen and Dee Dee managed to find company with a priest.

Kathy Lamb got lost. LuLu got dragged out of the bathroom by the police.

Dee Dee almost got arrested,

And everyone got soaked (in more ways than one).

1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, "boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”. The caption on the right side of the image mocks the faculty and parents, “Come on, you’re really too young to drink.”

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As stated in their yearbook,

Now that we're older and "more mature," we've discovered a different type of party, often mistaken for a "high class zoo."

The drastic change in the nature of the party is attributed to the addition of the two B's, Beer and Boys.
The effect of the former on the latter creates the "zoo atmosphere." As father Powderly told us,
reason and control are the first functions to go after consumption of liquid ether.

No party would be complete without a game of quarters or beer bong and a massive pig out.

Two things sure dampen the party spirit. Parking and curfews. Once safely inside the party you find that time flies. . .before you know it, your curfew is a thing of the past.

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One of their favorite times of course was while the parents were out. Many passages similar to this in the yearbooks.

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Scribe 83 joyfully recalls partying with the boys from Georgetown Prep, Kavanaugh’s high school. The editors captioned a collage of alcohol themed photos as follows:

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the privileged Holton-Arms culture while Christine Blasey was a student there.

Seeing such insensitive racism in action at this prestigious girls academy, attended by mostly white rich girls, provides context of the very privileged attitude exhibited by the Holton-Arms all female student body. That the Holton girls got these yearbooks approved by faculty and paid for by their parents shows just how powerful they were in their own right at such a young age.

Once again, why Did the faculty allow this? At such a school there was not enough staff to oversee and approve the pages of the yearbook as responsible adult teachers?

If for not the reason of doing their job as overseers of kids (yes in high school they are Still kids no matter how much of the Ruth Bader Ginsberg agenda They want to push!), you would have thought these teachers and faculty would have done so for self preservation and their show of being "prestigious and upright!"

You can't tell me that at least Some of the parents didn't see this. So, they just laughed it off? They thought it was fine for their kids to continue in this type of a culture overlooked and by lack of involvement, seemingly condoned by the school. What in the world?

You know, that Tavistock agenda. It worked!

As pointed out by this blogger,

And the fact that Holton-Arms had these yearbooks scrubbed from the web - just as Christine Blasey Ford came forward with her allegation against Brett Kavanaugh - proves that they still know how to dominate. In doing so, they prevented the nation from weighing relevant facts. This is why I have chosen to include the following ugliness in the report.

The image below is taken from Scribe 84, Blasey’s senior year edition of Scribe. There are two very disturbing examples of racism in it. Bottom right hand corner:

“At Cheryl’s multi-class party…[Redacted name] came as an uncanny Buckwheat, although she washed the makeup and afro off before the guys showed up.”

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So basically what the left has pushed hard against and pointed out as "cultural appropriation," is only tolerated if you are

According to a thread by @DrDanielle which states,

“Ford’s father, Ralph Blasey, was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda where Kavanaugh’s father, Ed...has also been an active member, according to a member of the club.”

A club of many former presidents with this kind of a logo signaling it being seeped in secret society ideology and symbolism.

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Some well known members include,

Franklin Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and George H.W. Bush” - and SC Justice Scalia

There is a Celtic, Wiccan and Pagan significance associated with these trees much in the manner of the wood from the Holly tree.

Did a dig on her father. I have more coming in another article, but trying to stay on task with Christine, so will link the info here later.

Back to the story from the Cult of the First Amendment blogger,

You may be thinking that it was just one mean girl being insensitive, not reflective of the greater Holton-Arms society at large. But when we expand the page the caption was taken from, at the top is a black girl with an afro. This is one of the very few images found in those yearbooks featuring an African-American. It does not seem like a coincidence, but rather a probative example of Holton culture.

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Now, as noted,

The editors discuss a house party where, “we were confronted by…a pair of veiled terrorists, [two redacted names], were the guns real or did you just want to get served first?”

Then turn back to pg. 148, where the two Holton girls are pictured in makeshift burqas, holding automatic pistols:

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Also note that at the bottom of the caption above, the girls mention their male conquests with great pride:

“No longer confining ourselves to the walls of Landon and Prep, we plunged into the waters of St. John and Gonzaga with much success.”


Scribe 82, pg. 260, shows racy images, including three minors dressed provocatively as Playboy bunnies. The caption states:

We realize what counter culture thinks is fine, but these are minors we are talking about. It is Not Fine! The group who wants to normalize this and have it pushed for younger and younger ages is endorsed by people like Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Read the whole page. It has some weird Hitler jokes as well.

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Yearbook states,

Restaurants, not just paved surfaces were a source of continual excitement our junior year.
Valerie found her car with four slashed tires one evening upon exiting The Saloon. Betsy made friends at Nicola's when she opened a can sprayed a stranger sitting next to her.

Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, ** we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions** of the past year while dancing in the middle of Coastal Highway, Ann and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment. No matter what we did over the summer, we made it a summer to remember.

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Now we turn to the final sentiments from Scribe 84, Chrissy Blasey’s senior year at Holton-Arms. Page 261 gives the parting sentiment of her six-year Holton experience. There are two relevant quotes. The first characterizes the senior girls as sexual predators upon younger boys:

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

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Yearbook states,

Despite marred driving records, some of us still managed to escape the confines of home. We hit the popular night spots in Georgetown such as the Third Edition, Whispers, The Company, Fish Market and Pirate's Hideaway.

And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no boubt unforgettable, ** they are only a Memory Lapse** for most, since loss of consciousness is an integral part of the party scene.

. . .And who could forget Holly's semi-formal party in the fall and Allyson's in the Spring? We could!

They seem fairly boastful of losing consciousness and control.

Nothing emerges but a vague feeling of intense enjoyment when one tries to recall them. . We were probably, you know, really tired and all.

When hitting the nightspots or going to parties, several seniors discovered good things come in pairs, that two heads are better than one, etc. Jeff and Nadine and George.

Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men.
**Usually sophomores who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship

Is this what was being taught/encouraged at this High School or was it just a culture that was perpetuated and thought of as "cute?" Guess what isn't cute?

I ask you once again, Why was This Allowed in the Year Book? Who was in charge at that school? Who was not pouring over to check out what was being published or who Was pouring over it and allowing it to go through?

You mean to tell me, Not One Staff member ever picked up this book and saw at least one of these inappropriate pages to pull on the breaks? Odd isn't it?

This yearbook page continues,

Others remained "staglet" for reasons known only to themselves.
Of course no senior story is complete without mentioning colleges. . .except this one,

Beam us aboard Scottie.
Captain's Log Star Date 6/84

We spent 10 grueling years at the Holton Arms School. It was a lot of work, but it was a heck of a lot of fun!

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These are sports she participated in Field hockey, lacrosse, softball, tennis and track and field have been sports played by girls at Holton-Arms. Blasey was a cheerleader, as described in the Scribe 1984 yearbook.

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This was in the yearbook showing what kind of a "time" they had.

“Holton’s cheerleaders provide team support. Their enthusiasm radiate warmth and energy to both the team players and fans,” it was written about the Holton Arms cheerleaders. “When the cheerleaders got spirited enough to cheer Holton’s J.V. games, it certainly was party time!”

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2014 Reunion weekend for Holton Arms

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2014 Reunion weekend

Note: The Holton-Arms yearbook Scribe 1984 was online on the site ISSUU.com on Monday morning Sept. 17, 2018. The yearbook and links have since been removed.

School magazine Doorways


Heavy reports,

In the summer ‘14 issue of the school magazine Doorways, student writers said that over the reunion weekend in April of that year, Blasey spoke with students during a presentation of what specifically is not clear and there’s no easily located description of her remarks, but the magazine did run a blurb and featured an image of her and her Class of 1984 compatriots.

Student magazine editors wrote that Blasey “…was able to inspire students at Holton-Arms when she presented at the Holton Upper School Alumnae Assembly in April over reunion weekend.”

“In a recent article The Washington Post described an alleged assault of one of our alumnae by Supreme Court nominee Brent M Kavanagh that occurred in the early 1980s, while she was a student at Holton-Arms. In these cases, it is imperative that all voices are heard. As a school that empowers women to use their voices, we are proud of this alumna for using hers.”

Really? While they promoted a party scene?

Another portion written about by Cult of the First Amendment blogger,


Another disturbing aspect of these yearbooks is evidence of overt racism therein. I debated long and hard as to whether to include the following pages. But it’s important that we closely examine the privileged Holton-Arms culture while Christine Blasey was a student there.

Seeing such insensitive racism in action at this prestigious girls academy, attended by mostly white rich girls, provides context of the very privileged attitude exhibited by the Holton-Arms all female student body. That the Holton girls got these yearbooks approved by faculty and paid for by their parents shows just how powerful they were in their own right at such a young age.

And the fact that Holton-Arms had these yearbooks scrubbed from the web - just as Christine Blasey Ford came forward with her allegation against Brett Kavanaugh - proves that they still know how to dominate. In doing so, they prevented the nation from weighing relevant facts. This is why I have chosen to include the following ugliness in the report.

The image below is taken from Scribe 84, Blasey’s senior year edition of Scribe.

“At Cheryl’s multi-class party…[Redacted name] came as an uncanny Buckwheat, although she washed the makeup and afro off before the guys showed up.”

I find this quite interesting

As was written by student editors, Blasey is a professor of psychology and statistics, is a professor at Palo Alto University, has been with Stanford University since 1988 where she taught bio-statistics, and conducted medical research both at Stanford and at private biotech companies in Silicon Valley.

Her husband, Russell Ford, is a mechanical engineer and has worked for pharmaceutical and medical research companies. The Fords live in Palo Alto.

Russell is an alumnus of the University of Rochester and Stanford University School of Engineering. He was employed with Cygnus Corporation in Redwood City, Calif prior to marriage at least.

On Russell's Linkden page,

it describes a lengthy career in medical research. The most recent entry says that, from 2004 to 2006, Russ Ford worked for a company called Zosano Pharma. He gave his title as “Sr Director, System Design and Development.”

Ford described his duties as: “Individual contributor and manager of engineering group responsible for all mechanical product design and development activities including technical scale-up for components and applicator device; i.e. non-drug, non-excipient product design – dynamic mechanical applicator, microneedle array, adhesive patch, and packaging. Budgeting for functional group and for individual projects. Presenter and interface for device design during 6+ technical audits by prospective pharma business partners. Attendee at FDA EOP2 meeting.”

Before that, he worked as director of Advanced Engineering for Abbott Medical Optics in Milpitas, California, a position he held from 2011 to 2014. “Division of Abbott Laboratories, #1 in laser vision correction products, #2 in cataract products – surgical equipment and implants (IOL’s). Milpitas is portion of R&D and MFG site for all surgical capital equipment – phaco-emulsification and LASiK (aberrometers for diagnostic, femto-second lasers for flap cut, and excimer laser for shaping the cornea),” he wrote in part with the entry.

Ford has also held similar positions at Boston Scientific and, as noted in his wedding announcement, at Cygnus, where he describes himself as the “developer of first FDA-approved non-invasive continuous glucose monitor for people with Diabetes.”

Russ Ford earned his doctorate in mechanical engineering from Stanford University, according to his LinkedIn page.

“Developed a Robust Concept Design Methodology using two in-depth industry case studies: • Design of a vacuum compatible robot for semiconductor fabrication equipment. • Design of a material forming process for manufacture of heat-shrink tubing. Coursework during MS and PhD also included depth in material science and mathematical statistics,” he wrote.

He also received his master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford and graduated from the University of Rochester with a degree in mechanical engineering as well.

Online records say the couple sold a home in 2004 together for more than $800,000.

I find this Very Interesting as I recently did a thread and article concerning how instrumental Stanford was in an article that covered this,

I felt the best way to organize this info was in a thread, you can find it towards the bottom.

This covers the early days, at least of what is documented concerning technology and the Mother of all Demos.

People connected to Arpanet, Google, CERN, a certain 501c3, Stanford, Berkeley, NASA and how they got the

Sources also found at bottom.

This was the title and I have screenshots of the thread in this article. Why? Because Twitter suspended my first account and has not given it back for no reason at all except that the Truth interferes with Their Rules and Agenda. No wonder, Dorsey and his cohorts are all backed by these same controllers and orchestrators.

Just last night under my new twitter name TestingTheNarrative @NarrativeTests they locked me out. Fortunately I was able to get back in, but it was after I posted a thread on Project Veritas which gave much of the transcription and screenshots as to what the obstructive employees and the State Department were saying. I guess Twit didn't like that too much. Got back in, so we'll see how long I last with this latest bit of info.

Qanon Background History for those connected to Sergey Brin in Industries, Academia and Government agencies that would have an interest in furthering a globalist agenda found here


Should also be able to find on my twitter page.

This document shows the names of mother and father,

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Story of alleged incident,

The alleged incident happened at a small party the summer before Ford's junior year, Ford's lawyer, Lisa Banks, said in an interview with Morning Edition's Rachel Martin. Kavanaugh was attending Georgetown Preparatory School, a private school in North Bethesda, Md., at the time.

"At one point she walked away to go to the bathroom and went up a small flight of stairs, at which point she was pushed into a bedroom. The door was locked behind her," Banks told NPR. "And Brett Kavanaugh got on top of her on the bed, pushed her down on the bed on her back, began groping at her, trying to take off her clothes."
Ford described Kavanaugh and Mark Judge, a second boy in the room, as "stumbling drunk" in her interview with the Post.

"When she tried to scream, he put his hand over her mouth to silence her. Mark Judge was in the room, egging him on. They turned up the music very loudly and at some point Mark Judge jumped on the bed, they all toppled off, and she was able to escape," Banks told NPR.

In a statement, Kavanaugh denied the allegation:
"This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes — to her or to anyone. Because this never happened, I had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday. I am willing to talk to the Senate Judiciary Committee in any way the Committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation, from 36 years ago, and defend my integrity."

Ford is a registered Democrat who has made small political contributions to Democratic organizations. In April 2017, she attended a March For Science in San Francisco, which was held to protest Trump administration cuts to research, and she signed a letter in June 2018 condemning the Trump administration's policy, since abandoned, of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border.

Here what people on the border have to say about this,
Air Evac paramedic on Texas/Mexico border and the truth about the children separated from parents

Isn’t it convenient they had that movement which helped take the heat off of pedogate and give them reason to Obstruct whenever necessary!

But Ford's accusation is coming to light in a different era. Now, with 23 women in the Senate — including four on the judiciary committee — and the backdrop of the #MeToo movement, Kavanaugh's future as a Supreme Court justice is in uncharted territory.

Ralph Blasey III, Christine Ford’s brother was formerly employed at the D.C. offices of Baker & Hostetler LLP. That’s the same firm that made payments over over half a million dollars to Fusion GPS.

More coming on this soon!

What are your thoughts on this? Please let me know and tell us in the comments any other information you've heard related to this story. Godspeed Fellow Patriots. Keep spreading the Truth and Fighting the Good Fight!


SCRIBE 84, pgs. 144-145, looking back on Blasey’s sophomore & junior years











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Well done. Up voted, resteemed. Thanks for putting the effort in.

Thank you! Much appreciated! Keep Fighting The Good Fight!

I have not read the entire article yet but I found following phrase an interesting one:

*Predatory practices boasted about in the Yearbook, yet faculty allowed it to be published and continue.

Now that's interesting because we never would have learned about this if THAT would have been scrubbed / censored back then.

The real issue is that they where not educated about certain things, and that lead to a certain behaviour. So it is actually a good thing that this was NOT censored.

This makes this a good example why censorship is a bad thing, and it is good that we now are able to read the REAL history of that High School not a manipulated version that makes it seem better then I really was.

I get what you're saying there!

Definitely would have been No Evidence of her and her friends true character if they faculty had stepped in.

What they really should have done, was worked with parents to end such a scene as the alcohol is not for minors for a reason. Dulls senses, kills brain cells, removes inhibitions, etc. Just leads to depravity when one can't control themselves.

Only globalists benefit from such destructive behavior. A good teacher or instructor would have wanted to steer this kids in a better direction. Now, they think Anything goes, March for the wrong reasons and cater to Aleister Crowly's, "Do as thou wilt!"

It also makes sense people in a position of authority and guidance, looked the other way and likely chuckled about it. Or used the old, well, kids will be kids! Kids Need and actually Want guidance. They fight tooth and nail at that age, but nothing means More to them than an adult stepping in and putting up boundaries to demonstrate they actually Care. Not enough of that going on any more. Sad.

This was in Maryland so right around the DC area, home of the "enlightened" lay out where a certain subculture is valued, promoted and appreciated. It is a very predatory culture. The type that considers Ruth Bader Ginsberg a hero!

Thanks for reading and your comment is quite apt!

I also agree, censorship is bad. We should all be able to make our own decisions as we do daily whether to read something or not by using disCernment.

Never stop Fighting The Good Fight!

A great example of white privilege.

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