What is Kava and is it good for you ?

in #kava7 years ago



Kava in A Tanoa bowl .
Kava offered in a bilo by a Fijian brother , with a billion dollar smile . Picture , shutterstock.com

Grog as it is known in Pacific islands and in particular in Fiji , is a derivative from the root of a plant . Local grow the plants and then when the trees are ready they cut the roots , which is then pounded to powder form . Locals call this “Yaqona”
Here is the plant , source , . Kava I don’t think is originally from Fiji , although I think it is perhaps from one of the neighbouring pacific islands .

Source ; Wikipedia


For the indigenous locals in Fiji it is a drink that was drank and offered to visitors , stateheads , village chiefs etc . As a mark of respect it is important to accept a bowl of the drink . Fijians will make Yaqona ( pronounced ( Young gonner ) in a Tanoa , a beautiful large dish like bowl and offer the drink in small cups ( called Bill) made out of the coconut shell . Many tourists to Fiji , PNG , Samoa , etc have tried the drink .

The effects of taking Kava .

At one stage there was quite a demand for Kava powder for medicinal purposes such as , cleansing stomach , muscle relaxant , anti depressant . I think you can still find Kava tablets as a supplement in health food stores and chemists . It’s sedatory and anesthetic properties was in great demand until some giant pharma companies decided it was bad for their own business . It’s real effects are still open to accurate analysis . Please note I’m no doctor or medical professional .
If you drink a lot of it , it certainly relaxes you , and renders one in a totally relaxed state , lazy , kinda like Weed but without the “ tripping “ effect .
Kava is extremely popular in Fiji , Vanuatu , Hawaii , Samoa , Tonga etc , and locals in Fiji sit around a Kava bowl to drink and share stories . Stories spread faster than Twitter after a “ Grog “ session . Grog is another word used for Kava although Aussies refer to Alcohol as grog .

The taste .

I’ve never heard any tourist say they liked the taste of Kava . It’s bitter . That’s not to say one won’t like it , it’s a matter of getting used to the taste .
The preparation is simple with Kava power mixed with water , that looks like muddy water ( the root colour ) . It has a bitter earthy taste . Whenever I have had Kava , I’ve done the obligatory “ Wash down “ by drinking beer afterwards , as it was such a common thing to do in Fiji . Legendary stuff this Kava . Bula Vinaka steemit friends .

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