
in #karma6 years ago (edited)

Hi i'we not been posting for a while.. Been a bit occupied with sgc-labs, and i'we been streaming !

But what is this post about? Well it's about what happened to me last Sunday driving back from a fishing trip.

The trip it self went fine, only caught 2 northern pikes. But yeah had fun did some fishing both Trolling and some normal fishing.

But after we came back i was driving home, and about 2 minutes before getting home some kids(16yo) had decided they would sit in some bushes next to the road and throw some eggs at cars passing by.. Well they decided they would throw some on my car. Well imagine my surprise when my car got hit with a total of six eggs.

Well i then decided to pull over a and "inspect" the damage, i then concluded i had eggs on the right side of my car and on the front bumper, i was not pleased to say the least...

Knowing the area i drove to a road relatively close to where they were throwing the eggs and pulled over. I then see the 3 idiots start running(Note to you if your planing on doing this yourself: Don't ware white clothes if your trying to hide in a bush). I knew the area well so i knew there was only one place to run. I then cut them off and we had one of the moments where i walk behind them and they walk in front of me slowly and i slowly speed up.
They then took of running. So i run after them.. And they then split up(Big mistake..) I ran after the guy in the white hoodie and see him hide in some bushes. I then decide ill go around and cut them of. They regrouped and there i was and they had no where to run.

I then proceeded to talk to them calmly and get there names and phone numbers. Well i got there numbers and one thing lead to another... here is a picture of one of them washing my car 😊


We do have some branches in our back yard that need to be cut down, this might be something one of the boys could do...

Moral of the story? Don't be stupid.

Have a great day!


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gangze gangster confirmed

lmao :D good job though gangze you got them! :D

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