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RE: 🎤 Karaoke Contest Entry🎤 - ⚡️Week 12 ⚡️ - Popular🎤

in #karaokecontest7 years ago

Nice One! Your video is actually quite ok, well, ok, I liked it! You look very colourful. And yeh, I would do a much worse job at Karaoke. Love the way you bring us to the climax, the recording itself :)


Lol! Thanks so much! Even when it was pitchy, it sure was fun. 🙃

What you call pitchy (and yes it was), I call humour! :)

Yes. I believe that is called schadenfreude.😁

We often derive happiness from the misfortune of others! Bwhahaha!

Like laughing when people fall down (as long as they weren't hurt, of course😏) and being amused at someone making a fool of themselves (because they aren't on key).

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