Are Kanye’s Recent Mindfulness Tweets Woke or Bullshit? Let’s Take a Look

in #kanye6 years ago


If you’re on Team Kanye (you know I am) then you’ve been loving his latest twitterstorm. Kanye took to Twitter with a freshly reactivated account and a series of new tweets that, while reflecting his usual personality, are on an unexpected theme.

It’s like Kanye took a bunch of Rick Rubin pills.

Are we entering phase 3.0 for Kanye West? There’s already “Old Kanye” and “New Kanye,” so now we might have “New New Kanye.”

The tweets have merit. Most of what Kanye is saying is legit, and while he isn’t reinventing the philosophical wheel, it might quality as Real Woke. I mean this is good stuff.

Just looking at the tweets above, “Don’t trade your authenticity for approval” is true as fuck. And don’t we all struggle with that exact thing, as content creators on steem?

We try to succeed, and when we fail, we don’t know what to do. Do we blame ourselves? It’s easier to blame circumstance, and to think that we need to change ourselves to find approval. Maintaining authenticity means saying “My only mistake was that I should have been even more myself.”

The "100 reps of controversy for a 6 pack of truth" is pure poetry btw. I love that and I think a lot of people on Steem would relate to that quote.

Is Kanye Into Crypto?

Kanye definitely seems like he’s been studying some cryptocurrency and related philosophical fields:

This series of ideas is what makes me think Kanye is doing more than a “Mindfulness 101” kind of thing. This is more cutting edge, challenging the notions of what art is and how ideas spread. Kanye effectively rejects a lot of the foundations he’s built his own career upon with this series of four tweets… I mean how much money has he made off of sample licenses?

It feels like Kanye has reached deep within and is operating from a new set of principles. He’s still a genius, and still unpredictable, but perhaps this new “Operating System” will help him unleash his immense abilities in the next phase of his life.

After all he’s innovating right now. His Twitter account is a book.

You might think he’s joking, but I do not. Once upon a time a book was new technology, then the photograph, then the film. Internet video went from “gimmick” to “replacing all network TV viewership” within 20 years. Why not Twitter?

If Kanye wants to spread new ideas about finding joy from within, rejecting the abuse of technology, and collaborating more freely with the ideas of humankind… why wouldn’t he take to Twitter, where he can publish in real time to 10.5 million followers?

You’re reading about it right now. If it was locked away in a book, even a eBook for $2.99 or something, neither one of us would be engaging with the ideas.

Maybe Kanye’s onto some new shit. I say, so far, his new Tweets are on point.

What do you think about this whole Kanye situation?


He is definately a sandwich short of a picnic!

That's interesting about Twitter being his book; as steemit is for most of us. It's one thing for someone with that many followers already to be writing these things. But what if a steemian did something in the future to make them famous to the level of someone who is remembered for centuries? All their blogs could be studied and analyzed long after they are gone, and they don't even know about any of that while writing them.

If human civilization exists in a few thousand years, they'll definitely look back at this time as the part of history when it all went "3-D", since like you say they're gonna have so many social media posts, blogs, etc, to look through from all the famous people.

Imagine being able to look at the day-to-day family history of Leonardo De Vinci or someone like that, going back generations, seeing all the little stuff that happened.

Kanye is one of those dudes you can understand what he’s saying but he’s not that articulate lol...

Ya lol it's interesting how he communicates himself. Definitely not the best with the actual words he says, but the ideas are there, he just says them more through art imo

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