Cannabis — harm and use drugs

in #kanabis420pm8 years ago (edited)

 Cannabis in many countries is called exclusively by the drug. It is a psychoactive substance derived from cannabis and is often forbidden. Its toxicity is quite low, but this does not diminish the damage that can inflict the plant.

Many people pay attention to this tool, because it can bring pleasure. However, this is achieved not always. Often such a plant is with a lot of negative consequences, which are formed physiological factors. 

                                                                                 Some facts 

 Not many people know that cannabis and marijuana are one and the same. In botany most often used the first term. It refers to a flowering plant. There are three known of its type:  

  • Cannabis sativa
  • Cannabis ruderalis
  • Cannabis indica

 Botanists call the birthplace of this plant is Central and South Asia. For many centuries, it is used for different purposes: 

 in production;
in the industry;
for the manufacture of fibers;
for the production of the fabric;
to create an oil;
in the medical purposes. 

 Recreational aspects of cannabis has also long been known, but the mass popularity they gained only in the last time. 

                                                                                The meaning of the word 

 Many people don't understand why cannabis and marijuana are one and the same. The last word was borrowed from the Mexican language and consists of two parts: Maria and Juan.

The Oxford English dictionary suggests that the word came to us from the Nahuatl. It is spoken by the Nahua of the Mexican Indians. The literal translation of the words  means "prisoner".

Some linguists deny this version, claiming that the word "marijuana" is English and refers to the 19th century. 

                                                                                          What is hemp
cannabis use and harms Related to cannabis are considered to be hops and nettles. Now hemp grows almost everywhere. Her harm presented by the specific chemical composition of which includes:

antibiotics like penicillin;
cannabidiolic acid;
400 chemical substances.
The use of cannabis is its variety of forms, namely:

the dried grass.
Use plants presented by using it in small doses for medicinal purposes, and the damage is widespread applications as a recreational vehicle. 


 Use plants presented by its composition, which, however, brings harm. An important condition is the use it only for healing purposes according to doctor's recommendations.

The main component called Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It is characterized by an analgesic effect that is widely used by physicians of all time. Pain relief is achieved by the release of some neurotransmitters in the spinal cord.

Use the stimulation of appetite. However, the substance adversely affects sight, hearing and sense of smell, what is it harm. It causes fatigue and promotes relaxation. All this allows to reduce human aggression that is not in all cases is the right solution.

THC is used for relief of emetic processes. It is added to the appropriate medications.

Another important component of hemp is cannabidiol. They produce a calming effect, promote mental clarity, and presents their benefits. The damage is much more impressive. It manifests itself in slower metabolism of the liver, limits the excretion of tetrahydrocannibinol.

The beneficial properties of cannabidiol submitted by relief flow from inflammation, spasms, facilitate healing from anxiety, inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For patients with schizophrenia and dystonia plant is useful as it alleviates symptoms and allows you to return the ability to work. 

                                                                                   The effect of cannabis 

 When cannabis use effects may be both physiological and psychoactive. The former include:

dryness of the mouth;
redness of the eyes;
lowering pressure inside the eye;
the sensation of cold or heat;
muscle relaxation;
heart palpitations.
The dangers of most of these symptoms are evident. Psychoactive effects are the following:

Change in subjective perception. The appearance of hallucinations. In consequence of the damage can be represented by a distorted vision of reality.
The change of mood. Often it may be unreasonable euphoria or relaxation.
A fast heart rate.
Loss of short term memory that bears the harm.
Stimulation of appetite.
Retching. Despite the fact that in many aspects of marijuana treats the symptoms of nausea, while Smoking it only brings harm.
Disturbances in coordination.
Violations of concentration.
Problem with RAM.
The increased respiratory rate. 

                                                                             The positive properties of cannabis 

 Cannabis may be beneficial. He is able to improve the taste sensations in people with cancer, to relieve neuropathic pain, to reduce pain after surgery.

Marijuana also contributes to and symptoms of spasticity helps stop cancer of prostate, excludes the possibility of osteoporosis. Cannabis helps with post-traumatic stress disorder, eases the pain of the chemo.

Also, scientists have proven plants when:

the Tourette's;
diseases of the intestines;


 Вред каннабиса представлен его побочными эффектами. Они проявляются после его употреблении в:

  • ухудшение реакции при управлении автомобилем;
  • воспаление десен;
  • развитие психоза;
  • образование мужской дисфункции сексуального плана;
  • появление депрессии;
  • потере памяти;
  • появление рака яичек;
  • нарушение ДНК;
  • развитие рвоты;
  • развитие рассеянного склероза;
  • появление гепатита С.

                                                                                       What form is used, cannabis 

 Referring to cannabis, most people imagine the dried-up plants that are ready for use, and Smoking.

Few know that cannabis is one of the processed forms of the plant. It is a high resin concentration. It is obtained from the flowers of the plant are female. Method of use – Smoking or chewing.

Hash oil is a cannabis product. It contains in its composition of about 40-90% of tetrahydrocannabinol. It creates extraction of cannabis. It is used orally, by inhalation or Smoking. 


 In General, arguments against the use of cannabis is much greater than the case for. The reason is that it causes harm to the body. He is most often seen in physical energy depletion. This leads to General weakness, the appearance of nervousness, weakness.

cannabis use and wiredred presented and the negative impact on the human brain, the emergence of psychological dependence. The main problem is that very soon a person gets a few of those sensations, which he can provide hemp. It usually occurs after 20 days of use. The body believes it is eating normal and stops responding.

This, in turn, leads to aggression and neurosis on the part of man. There is an urgent need for such perceptions. After that, people begin to use hard drugs, depending on which to get rid of yourself is almost impossible. Damage is applied after the first application, which does not allow to abandon the matter, giving similar sensations.

It should be understood that the use of marijuana carries with it harm. To achieve the euphoria can be used and other means that are not dangerous for the body and does not cause dependence. 

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