Why you should follow me

in #kabir886 years ago

I was going to write a long post about all the great reasons to follow my account. Like the awesome posts I resteem, the street cred you gain from following a -11 reputation account and the chance to get on my radar and get some upvotes.

But I thought I would leave it to those that follow me already to say a few words that would probably be far more meaningful and authentic than me massaging my own ego. It's nice to do, but too much self love looks a bit like... Well, you know what.

So, if you are an existing follower of my account, drop a comment on why you follow me and why you think others should do the same...

And please resteem! It doesn't cost you any steem power and it helps spread the word



I follow you because you are an awesome guy that considers the bigger picture and are courageous enough to stand up for what you believe in the face of downvotes.

Also, I take you as one having a humble demeanor and community minded which is refreshing amidst so many users that have a tendency to be full of themself around here.

Thanks @anthonyadavisii! Your words mean a lot and I am really pleased we connected on this great platform.

I will try and contribute more to @steemflagrewards (which is a great project that more people need to hear about!!), when I get some more time in the coming months.

I really am just in it for the street cred I gain from following a -11 reputation account... and because we old war vets gotta stick together!

Battlesheep at your service. Need a lift?

Can I get a pick with the steem phantom on his new ride @allseeingewe?


We can bring justice and coolness to the blockchain!!

Totally! This one okay?


Posted using Partiko Android

I followed you because of the things you wrote. The rep doesn't mean much once you realize that a negative rep isn't the result of community disapproval per sé, but often the result of revenge flagging. Someone with a high positive rep could also possibly be described as a coward with money and multiple accounts.

As you've stated before, having a negative rep is actually a great tool to gain a select following of folks whose curiosity goes beyond labels imposed by others.

Thank you @onnovocks.

If we cannot be ourselves and speak our truth, do we really exist? Or are we just another shadow, a poor cousin to all the real beauty that is within us all.


Hi @kabir88, I was not going to write a long comment as your instructions seemed to be aimed at existing followers only - 3rd para, LOL :) ... but things are open to wider interpretation I guess!!? Thought I'd just drop you a few lines in general support and 'dosti'. Also, below, some (relevant?) words from your namesake, the poet Kabir. Sorry about hogging so much space on the page.

Thank you @barge for dropping by and sending those beautiful words from Kabir the Poet. I have heard of him but must confess to never reading much of his poetry.

My words were guidance only and never instructions, who am I to tell anyone what to do?

Here is my gift to you, I hope it brings you as my joy as it does to me each time I read these words:


And one more


Thanks @kabir88, Rumi's words are eternal and of the highest, I embrace them!

My comment was in jest of course, I just adopted a familiar tone. I've seen you around and know how you've been burned - wonder why it's taking so long to move towards 0 - are you still being flagged?

And we read some of Kabir's 'dohas' at school in India, and the one that I remember is
गुरु गोविंद दोनो खड़े, काके लागू पाए
बलिहारी गुरु आपनो, गोविंद डियो बताए
The Guru and the Lord are standing before me, whose feet shall I touch first? I first respect the Guru, for he is the one that led me to the Lord.....
....which I remember finding strange as a kid, given the utter reverence for the 'Lord' that abounds in India, but I understand it better now that I'm "older and wiser" and do not see either of the two as being external to one's Being :) ....

You are a wise being @barge

Are you still in India? It seems India is blessed with a lot of wisdom. Joining the Da Lai Lama at Dharamsala was one of those moments in my life I will never forget. All the way in the hill tops, it was a serene and scenic place, at the footsteps of the Himalayas.


Your comment reminded me of this great quote. Regardless of the guides we choose or the path we take, we are all searching for the same thing


Even if I can't reach the moon, I hope the price of STEEM does ;)


Aaree thanks bhai (blush :)....I'm in Scotland atm and have been for a while. Moved to India as a baby and went to school there, actually only a couple of hundred km South of McLeod-ganj ('Maklodganj' :), near Shimla. Family house is in Delhi, but the mountains are where I'd want to stay if I were to return for any length of time. Powerful experience seeing the DL up there, I've not been but would love to go!

Love the last quote. Buddha's version is soft, and gently delivered. The version I've heard is the wise look at the moon, the fools look at the finger which is pointing to it lol. I think Steem is defo looking at the moon :D.

To be honest, I really do not remember when or why I started following you. I suppose I could go through all my comments and look back on steemd to find when I followed or when I first commented on a post or replied to a comment of yours, but well that would be a lot of work. I still follow for what ever reason, likely because you do speak your mind and do not really care who you tick off in the process. that would almost be a good enough reason to follow, but I think I follow for more than that, such as you, (unlike me), do not come unhinged in your outspokenness. You also help do that steemit weekly report, always fun to read and see the drama or not drama of the steemit goings on. So now since I missed your free upvote post three days ago, I need to go read that one.

Thanks @bashadow, how ever it happened, I am grateful to have your attention and engagement.

And if @grampo is right, we will all be getting paid for our attention soon as we remove all those profit skimming middlemen!

If you haven't tried already, check out @ginabot, it's a great tool to get notifications for activity on the steem blockchain, from posts from your favourite steemians, to mentions of key words. I use it to track how often people mention certain Cryptos that I have an interest in, it's very cool.


Well I guess giving you a vote on the comment made it show in my comments list. I clicked reload the page several times, even ctrl f5 reload, and it did not show in my list until I gave it a vote. Pretty piss poor on the part of the steemit to do things like that.

I do use ginabot, and steemworld, which is good, because otherwise I would not have know you responded. Your response I guess because it gets hidden that it does not show up in the comments section of users. Kind of rude really, because I left the message, steemit should not hide a response to the person who left the message, yeah if they want they can hide it from everyonelse but to hide it when it is a response to a response kind of sucks. It should still show in my comments list even if it is greyed out, it should still show up there. That way I know my message was read when a person replies, and I should not have to rely on a third party source to see a message to me.

Just for fun, here is what My Steemit Friends say,


That is a nice site, simple and informative, thanks for it.

As @pjau said, reputation doesn't matter and it does not judge a person. I always feel who are starting today has the possibility to see him whale tomorrow. And we, of course, shouldn't judge a book by its cover or reputation. Sometimes I use my VP to make your valuable comments/posts visible.

It hurts me and its shame when we are helpless to stand with a person when he was fighting for the community.

a couple of months ago I found you on the battlefield with @lyndsaybowes and @fulltimegeek. I learnt and did some research about you and could guess that you are connected with Bangladesh. I was thinking why you are fighting with big fishes if you are here to earn. But actually, the truth is that you have earned more than the monetary value. I really admire your open opinion and very few of us can speak louder than you did against injustices.

Thank you @azizbd, it's making connections with people like you that has made me really value my steem journey.

Sometimes it's easy to chase quick rewards, whether it is money or other benefits. But if we look beyond that we can find things that are far more valuable.

Your words bring far more joy to me than any quick rewards could do. It gives me great pleasure to know that my humble words are being read by real people, great people and specially people with a warm heart with enough compassion to share with others and feel richer.


I'm following you now, reputation doesn't automatically determine the character of the account. And it's reputation racist to judge people based on it.

There are many people below 0 that are shit heads, and many people above 50 that are shit heads and people at 25 that are shit heads. Same goes for people that are good. But there are less of them 😁👌

Reputationism or reputationist? I wonder if that is the first use of those words on this blockchain??

Thanks for the comment @pjau, there is that horrible moment when you do a post like this and you imagine tumble weed as no one replies...


Reputationism or reputationist?

Obviously you are better at words than me.. haha, I am just a banana though, took me a long time to English.

I wonder if that is the first use of those words on this blockchain??

Yup, you are.

reputationism 1 result.

reputationist 1 result.

you imagine tumble weed as no one replies

Look at most of my posts 😂

Well, Shakespeare made up a whole bunch of new words, so we are in good company.

I love steem. Where else can you get amazing support from a banana (@pjau) and an @allseeingewe!

Follow unfollow who cares what does that mean? I dont know if I ever followed you. I dont think it matters we always run into each other since there are only about 25 k english speakers on steem dapps. Have good day if you think it matters follow @kabir88. If not, you will see him out there anyway.

In an ideal world, those things would be irrelevant @iamstan. But @steem-ua keeps asking me to get new followers :P

But having people follow and following people does mean you are less likely to miss their content.

Considering content discovery is one of the challenges here, it may be no bad thing to follow those that you wish to hear from. Specially as it means you can see what they resteem on your timeline/feed. I've often found good posts because others that I follow have resteemed them

I follow you for fun.

You were among the first people that noticed me when I started Steemit earlier this year.

You're a cool dude @enforcer48, I have been lucky to get introductions to some great projects and people thanks to your amazing networking skills!

@steemitweekly and @steemflagrewards being two of my favourites!

Haha, I just happen to bump into the right people. Not so much skills.

Do not sell yourself short my friend @enforcer48. It is easy to confuse talent with luck. But luck is sporadic, skill repeats itself.

It reminds me of Deadpool 2 where that chicks super power is luck... Worth a watch! :)

I was surprised to see that I was not following you despite our interactions in the past. I always appreciate engagement on the posts and comments I make which I often see you on. Look forward to seeing more now!

I may start referring to myself as the steem ghost, or maybe steem phantom :)

I think we joined around the same time, so it's been cool to share that journey with you. I am pleased we crossed paths @newageinv and thank you for all the positive things you do to make this blockchain a better place.

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