Fright of the Seagulls

in #justbecause6 years ago

Earlier this year we went down to the Homer Spit, we go there quite a bit actually. On this trip there was a pretty good sized flock of seagulls. They were all drifting lazily on the water, when i guess one of them looked up and was suddenly in panic mode. Well like humans when we see a person in panic mode a lot of others go into panic mode.

So what cause all the hub bub with the seagulls other than them just being seagulls. Well it seems there was an Eagle perched up on the pier stand. I can just imagine what that Eagle was thinking, "Like geeze guys give it a rest will ya, I'm just taking a break, my wings got tired and I need a short rest. It's not like I am going to come swooping in from the sun and clamp on to one of you with my talons, I'm just sitting here, resting, trying to re-coup".

Sometimes we don't know all the issues that cause a panic, reality is maybe that first seagull just saw something in the water that he did not like, or perhaps he is just one of those that like to fly, or one that likes to pluck the feathers from his fellow birds. I will never really know what made the seagulls so excited, but it was fun to watch them.

Dtube would not work for me, I would have preferred to have supported dtube and not youtube, but when you are not a professional video tech junkie, you just want that drag and drop video here to work. Not to get errors about ipfs or what ever error it was. D-tube worked a couple of times for me on short vids like this, but not this time.

Not a very sharp video, I had to lower down the quality due to length of time to upload and file size, I do not have unlimited internet, nor very fast internet. I wanted to see about videos, and video post. We do have a coffee shop with free wi-fi, so I may think about giving them a try for video uploads one day.

Sorry on the zoom in that you can not really notice the Eagle.


I didn't notice the eagle until you zoomed! Fun to watch all the squaking gulls!

I didn't notice the eagle until you zoomed! Fun to watch all the squawking gulls!

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