Colorless Day, the day the color was taken away

in #justbecause6 years ago


Stolen Color

We get these days a lot during the winter. They are hard to explain, and harder even to show. It is just something that has to be experienced. Days with out color.

Here is a little washed out yellow glow of headlights in the snow pile, we have a lot of snow piles from the driveway clearing. That little weak yellow glow is the most color in the following pictures.

019 2-5 muted headlight glow.jpg
Big Picture

We had our drive way plowed on the 4th. This picture and the following ones were from the 5th. We had about 5 inches of snow on the ground from Sunday's snow fall. Our Plow guy came by on Monday afternoon, and we had a cleared driveway for about 12 hours, before it started to snow again, and this is what we had for Tuesday's drive.

022 driveway 1.jpg
Big Picture

About 2 1/2 to 3 inches of new snow. Oh well such is life, as you can see it did not stop us from going out and doing our Tuesday things.

It was, like I said a pretty colorless day, greyish shadowy overcast, sucking all the color away day.

001 trees of white.jpg
Big Picture

I could I guess enter these images in the monomad color contest, but I think I will pass, they are after all just snapshots of a little slice of life we all at onetime or another have to live through. If you looked real close you would be able to see a little bit of red in one of the pictures, so you can see it really was a color picture and not made black and white through the editing process.

tag decoder:
justbecause asnowyday doesnotmean noshotstoday takeapictureday


Lovely photos. Snow does make everything beautiful

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