On-set Adult steemititise or SHAD

in #justbecause6 years ago (edited)


          Steemit Hyper Activity Disorder, do I have it? Do I suffer from SHAD. I think so. There really are so many aspects of steemit that I enjoy, but that I will never really achieve success with. Just a quick look at my blog and it looks like a rabbit with a hot foot jumping all over the place.

Source: Pixabay Creative Commons Photo


           I love to read. Anyone who has looked at my blog which I have built over the last six months that I have been here can certainly figure that out. There are simply so so many great authors out there on Steemit. When I used to buy books in the grocery store - or later for my kindle - they were pretty much of a select type - “Sci-Fi” and “Fantasy”. I do not think I had ever purchased a book on drama, humor, or romance, but on Steemit I have read those types. Another type of book I had never bought was horror. I like Stephen King movies, but I have never read a single one of his books. That being said, I have read several horror stories on Steemit. So I like to read.

Helping Hand/Sharing

            I like to try to be helpful, and since my early days on Steemit I have created several posts with, and about, helpful tips. One of those posts was about the Markup Language, and HTML code, that could be used to make posts look better. Until today, however, even though I looked I had not found any posts discussing methods for indenting a paragraph on Steemit. That is until today, (Jan 20, 2018). @gmuxx did one such helpful post. Well, a lot of people have been doing markup language-related posts primarily due to the large influx of new users, but he is the only one I have found that showed how to indent a paragraph. Don't thank me, thank him/her by visiting link and leaving a comment.
          @mudcat36 and @davemccoy have started a project titled resteemanewbieday, and I am helping out a little bit with a once-per-weekday post for the project. That does not mean that throughout the remainder of the week I am not going to help anyone else out - as helping is like an addiction, in that once you start it is hard to stop. But officially, on my #newbieresteemday I will pick at least one person who asks for help, and help them as best I can within the guidelines that mudcat and dave have set out, and that I set in my post. Also, sometimes - even though an individual has not asked for help - I will still throw my two cents into a comment.
Source: Pixabay Creative Commons Photo


          I love them. Not all of them mind you, as I find some of them to be in areas that I have no interest. But when it comes to pictures, writing, or poetry, I will certainly think about them, and occasionally enter them. Sometimes the rules can be quite difficult to follow, and those I will not enter. Also if a contest Requires a fee, or demands an upvote, or demands a resteem, or demands a number of votes on comments, then I see that contest as not a contest, but instead, as a means of an individual to make money.
         If I enter a contest then I most often upvote that individual’s contest post. That is only common sense and courtesy. Requiring a vote, like one vote only, is fine for a contest fee entry. Any thing more than that it is not a contest, but a scam.
          If you like contest, or think you would like to try a few, here are some interesting ones:
Poetry -
         Terry Craft, Simple rules to follow

Photography -

         @juliank and their @photocontests pages. They have a category for just about any content you can think of, so give them a look.

         kus-knee The Old Dog he runs a mundane art photo contest, where he picks a subject and you enter your picture. He has an off Steemit site gallery which is pretty cool, where you can view all the winners, but he also does a video-walk through of the gallery talking about the photos, and he post smaller thumbnails of all the winners.

Writing -

         @gmuxx has a writing contest that they sponsor, and they also promote other contests that they have heard about. So if you are into short story writing they are a good place to check out.

         @svashta has some very interesting writing contests, and he changes the nature of the contests regularly. I have even tried a couple of his constrained writing contests, and although they were quite hard, they were rewarding. He does normal writing contests also, so check him out.

         @aubreyfox is another person that does some awesome writing contest. I entered several of her five-minute free write contests, and I had fun doing them. That is what counts.

          I do not think I have won any of the contest I have entered, but I have had fun doing all of them. You can always check the #contest tag to see what is available, but a lot of people that enter contests use the #contest tag when they enter, so you may have to scroll a bit before you find one.

Source Pixabay Creative Commons Photo


         We all need a little bit of music every now and then, and I like listening to music on occasion when I am surfing around Steemit. I rarely watch videos on Steemit, so having some music videos or links play on a tab while I surf around other tabs is no problem. Unlike YouTube, the next one video, (which 899% of the time I do not like), never starts to play, unless you tell it to play.
         So every now and then I will throw a music link on my blog as a musical interlude to give me something to listen to that I haven't heard in a long time, and to break up the monotony of my blog pages. I also re-steem some links on occasion when I find them. So on my master post you can find some of the people I like listening to. Morris Day and the Time, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Planet P, Ice house, Alice Cooper, and more. To me, Steemit is kind of like music, in that there really is something for everyone, and I like a lot of different types of music, so there is a lot for me to choose from on Steemit.

Comments and Voting

          As for comments, I like to make them. I like to read them. Some pages take me literally two hours or more to read because they have a lot of comments. I read them all if I plan on voting for the post, and or commenting on the post myself. I need to read the comments because I do not want to waste the author’s time re-answering a question that he/she has answered several times already. I also do not want to make the same comment as someone else, and I don't want to leave just a simple robotic comment like, “Nice post.” The author, most times, has put a lot of thought into the message they wanted to get across, and so they don't want stupid comments. They would rather hear stupid questions than read a stupid comment.
         Take some time to write your comments. Think about what you have written before hitting the post button. Did your comment relate to the content of the post? Is the comment you are about to leave a comment that you would like to find on a post you did? Did you take care of all the words in your comment which are underlined in red or gray to see if they were spelled correctly, or used appropriately? Remember that it is not only the blog/post that is going to stay forever on the blockchain, but your stupid/inane comment is going to be gathering the dust of history also. So sit beside this reflection pool and think about hitting that post button before you do it.

Source My Samsung Smart phone camera
         As you can see, I do like a lot of things on Steemit. The above mentioned are just a few of them. Two things I think I will always like – well actually, I think I will like all of the above for a very long time - is I was going to say reading and commenting, but really I think i will like all of the above for a long time and a lot more. I did make it through six months on Steemit, and I have had fun during those six months. I have met - through interacting via comments - a heck of a lot of nice people, and I know that that number of nice people is going to grow as I spend more time on the platform.
         One of the reason for doing this post was that I really, really wanted to try out the paragraph indent. I like it. It makes the formatting a little bit better. So, as Harlan would say, “Comtrya”.
Edited on 1/21/2018
To incorporate the editing done by @transcript-junky as part of his 400 Follower Milestone! Free Professional Edit/Proofread Giveaway For Interesting Posts! Give his site a look, you may find something of interest.


Holy crap there's indents? Teach me.

          You use   1 time will give you a small indent, 5 times will give you a nice indent. I found it on this post from @gmuxx.

Thank you so much, that was driving me crazy. &nbsp, very intuitive.

You nailed that pretty good, beyond the stories are the people and there are just so many stories I could get lost for days...

I just jump and jump around a heck of a lot on steemit, I like it, thanks for telling you know who.

Steemit is a good place to get lost. I do it every day! lol

It is, and some days it is like I keep picking up your bread crumbs. Hmm maybe that is why we both keep keep getting lost. But we do find a lot of cool things to look at, read and comment on. Continue the wanderings.

Crap! I think I have SHAD too! Then again.. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Heh.. Maybe it's a good thing! ._.

PS I like how you are one of the people on here who actually enjoys reading others content and commenting and contributing, I think that's important.. Seems like too many just wanna put their content out there and not interact with people much, and I think that's a bummer.. We should try to interact with others as much as we can.. That's what this "social" media is suppose to be all about I thought.. Though I guess some people have turned it more into a business and a money making thing or an ego thing..

          I think it is because I do not have a lot of experience on FB or YT, so I have not had the concern of troll attacks on any comments I make. That may have some people leary about posting a comment, as they look and read, that fear will subside. Besides, sometimes I just can not keep my mouth closed, er fingers taped together. Even some of them that have made it a money or ego thing sometimes take the time to respond to comments, not many but some. Comments are the best way to let an Author know that you enjoyed what they just said. All no feedback is going to do is let people think they are the steemit god or goddess based on how many votes they were able to buy. They can play at being god/goddess all they want me I like the real people. Only way to find real people is to comment, oh and comments give me more to read. ;-}
            a new little code I learned. 5 of them make an indented paragraph.

Some people do let the trolls effect them. I even let it bother me a bit on other platforms.. And here... Though this platform is great because.. I can't censor them. It won't even give me the option.. I guess you can mute.. But.. I just treat it like.. I shouldn't put anything out there I'm not willing to deal with.. And since I am trying to help change minds on serious political and other issues I'm prepared to deal with a lot, so it sorta just comes with the territory sometimes especially when I do hyperbolic rants and push the seriousness of things a bit.

I agree sometimes the money ego people do respond, though some are better and worse than others. And some clearly just wanna make money and don't care, and that's a bummer.

I pretty much agree with everything else you said! Well said! :)
Also not sure what you mean about the code stuff totally.. I haven't got that deep into the coding/text stuff.

I know this one..

And that's about the only one I know. Heh.

follow and upvote , pls follow back

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