My Steemit Newbie Resteem Post - Week 19

in #justbecause6 years ago

          Here is the link to my first #newbieresteemday post. It contains the links to @mudcat36 and @davemccoy 's Newbie Resteem Initiative. This is my week 19 posting. First weekly post was made on Jan. 14, 2018. The reach that #newbieresteemday tag has had is phenomenal.

Image created and provided by: @amariespeaks
          So, if you are new to steemit and meet the criteria below I will try to help at least one individual that responds:

• a steemit newbie, that has a rank of not more than 45
• has a good and quality blog
• has less than 90 days on steemit
• I will only resteem One post, and that is not a guarantee

          If you would like your blog to be resteemed, read, commented on, and voted on, leave a link to one of your blog post in the comments below and I will try to help. If you have a question I will try to answer it, or direct you to someone or a post that may be of help. Steemit can be overwhelming at times, but there are people that do try to take the time and help others.

Where you can Find us

@newbieresteemday - This is our primary account, and the one that does the majority of the resteems, although most members will resteem a few post. On our home blog page you will find on the banner the link to our discord chat room.

@newbiegames - This is our page that we utilize to highlight and support games and challenges, and where we occasionally run our own games and challenges for the not just the new users, but for all users of steemit. We try to feature games and challenge that do not have overly complicated entry rules, and mos of the games do not charge even a vote to play, it is if you have the Vote Power available always appreciated to vote on a game you are playing in, as most of the smaller games rely on the post pay out for the awards pool.

Discord Chat Room - Here is where you can go to find all kinds of help, or to just find someone to chat with. We have a lot of information and assistants rooms on the left hand room links, and a post promotion dropbox that people use to find new content from members to look over.

          I continue to promote @apolymask Information Finding Contest. I have met so many nice people and helpful people, and some pretty damn fine quality postings and conversations through those postings. It does not matter that you may have different thoughts and opinions, people are still very respectful of your right to think how you want to think.

          Round 36 has been announced. Several new participants have found the game through this post and similar postings. I am unsure if there is still enough time, but you never know, if you are upto some fun and games and meeting new interesting creative people, take a chance, at the very least you will have reason to make a post, and possible get some nice upvotes. We are getting very close to the end of season one so now is the time to jump in and try to qualify for the final 16 rounds picks.

          If you need help understanding the rules, or the concept, just ask myself or any of the players we will try to help. I feel this contest is a super great way for new users to get a leg up, while having fun and making some friends on steemit, and learning how things work, all of the participants are real people, they will help if you ask.

          Have you ever wanted to make a song? We are building a song in the IFC discord chat room. Stop by, add a line, become a one line song wonder. Will it be your line that people just can not get out of their head when they hear the tune? Will it be your line that brings the whole thing together to make it work? have you ever dreamed of being a song writer? Come and join the fun, just one more aspect of how we roll in the IFC, it is about fun.

          The beginning of IFC (Information Finding Championship), and Newbieresteemday initiative, was very close to each other, and I have been a member and a participant in both since the start up of each. I have truly enjoyed myself, and met some wonderful people, and had many good conversations with both groups.

          "The Marketplace" is an offshoot of IFC and the IFC discord chat room. We have several game/challenge participants, over 30, and a lot of followers of the games. In the IFC Discord room we have passed 100 or more users, and the numbers still keep growing. We have pretty much built/grown generically a "Community". All communities need a place to shop, and relax, so there was a desire among the community residents for "The Marketplace".

          Last week I profiled a little bit on "The Marketplace", it is now open and available. We have several Rooms/Vendors, (we are currently at 20 vendor rooms) and some of them are already making deals and enjoying the ability to reach people, and people are finding it easier to find that Artist or business they need or "Yard Sell Item" they have been looking for. Need something special? Visit the vendors today.

          If you need something, an Item, or a service, why not think of placing a "Want Ad" in Thursday's "The Marketplace Weekly Flyer". It gets issued each and every Thursday just drop a want ad in the weekly-flyer room, and I will place it in the Flyer. Each Thursday I profile one of the vendors.

          This is a weekly contest that is being run by @thedarkhorse. It is a simple contest, and one that even new users can participate in. Why would you as a new user want to participate? First it will give you an opportunity to create a post, it will give you the opportunity to find quality content from users like you that are new and will very likely appreciate the fact that you "Profiled" them for the "Pay it Forward" contest.

          Every week on about Wednesday, the new round is issued, week 7 is in process, due to the growth of the contest and the number of entries, the time frame for posting an entry is only open through Saturday. Please still visit, take a look at some of the entries, see how easy it is to enter. Visit a few of the recommended entries, take a look at their post, vote and comment if you like. Ask some of the contestants how they feel about the program. Most will tell you they do it for the fun, not the rewards, the reward is the responses they receive from those they sponsor.

          So that pretty much concludes my weekly @Newbieresteemday post. I still find it hard to imagine that next week will be week 20. The time is going by so quick. So if you are new, have a really nice post, want a vote, or a resteem let me know. If you have a post or want help with formatting your post let me know. There are still a lot of people that are willing to help, just because they care.


@bashadow, just wanted to add my Congratulations to @apolymask's on your post. First time I'm seeing your weekly Newbie Resteem post and I love how you've set it out.

This is my week 19 posting. First weekly post was made on Jan. 14, 2018.

Amazinggg! Thanks for all you're doing to help and support newbie and all Steemians.

Great job as usual. Especially appreciated your summary of the IFC and Marketplace and I like how you're working this into your newbie resteem posts, I'm pretty sure you found that developer by doing similar? It seems like all these things are tying together in a really interesting way, and it's neat to see how they are interacting with each other.

I hope some day we can get the Marketplace to be more of a standalone thing, so far it's mostly IFC peoples who are buying from it, somehow we need to get more buyers in there, and.. I think posts like these of yours are a big help! So thanks a lot! Especially with your weekly flyer, I think that's going to add up in time and be really important.

Keep up the awesome work badshadow! I hope some day there's hundreds of people or more, and we can look back and see how far we've come. :) And I think we can already sorta do that! A lot has happened so far in regards to all of this! I never predicted, but it's refreshing to see and gives me more hope back in humanity. :) Anyways I'm starting to ramble I think so I'm going to shush now. Thanks again for the awesome work you do!

I kind of fell into both of them at the same time, have had a few distractions along the way, but it has been a very fun 19 weeks so far. It is nice to see how well both groups are getting along and helping each other out. Given time the Marketplace is going to grow, you what had two new room request just today that I saw so word is getting out there.

I love this post. It has great initiatives; especially for people like me. As per your previous comments to me. I've been quite busy in the salon over the post few days so I haven't really had time to follow up on all your leads and to act on anything as yet.

This article makes it so simple to find everything. I've resteemed it too! So, I will need to up my game before I request a resteem...

Congratulations on 19 weeks of posting!

Well you visited, and you resteemed my post, Thank you by the way, and since I did like you Thyme post, I resteemed it. Both the newbieresteemday group, and the IFC group, are pretty sociable and likeable groups.

How sweet, thank-you. It won't belong before I'll be in these groups. I simply have do some re-organising of my time...

Hello, I just started on Steemit and already loving it. Hopefully you like my travel blog enough to resteem it:

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