Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 18 - - - K-Words

in #justbecause7 years ago

Word Contest Idea

Back in the early stages of the games, (round 3), one of the challenges was to come up with - - challenge for the best contest challenge idea. I hope everyone has fun with the idea.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

          Even though this was my Idea it is not easy to do. I also wanted to keep it kind of along the lines of family, and IFC. As a farmer and a wanderer, Kryptoceks travel leave him and his companions around the open campfire many times. One evening while Kryptoceks companions broke into the beer keg early and as they watched him get the fire going and the kettle settled to boil they broke into a happy little kidding tune.

Kryptocek's keen knowledge, kept kin kicking.
Krypocek's knapsack kept knotted kindling.
Kryptocek's ken, kept kitchen kettle kindled.
Kryptoceks khaki kilt, kept kinships kindly.


IFC - where words, pictures, art and style, come together.


Information Finding Championship Round 18
Information Finding Championship Discord Chat
Newbieresteem Discord Chat

da da da dats all folks

Kudos!! Knowledgeble, kooky kindness, knight!!

I simply loved @simplymike 's entry, I laughed my ass off after reading hers. When I first thought of it I was not sure it would work, but after seeing her entry, I am really waiting to see more.

I did too! I have been waiting for this to be a round since round 3! I truly hope everyone has fun with this one and just goes with it!

Ah.. Simplymike is a girl? Oops. I thought it was a guy cause Mike is generally a guys name? But the profile picture always looked like a woman to me, lol.. I'm so confused now. Also.. I agree his/her entry was great! :D

You’re not the first one, and probably won’t be the last one. :0)
It happens to me all the time. Just found out yesterday that @insideoutlet was a girl, and up until last week, when I talked to her, I thought even @patrice was a guy too...

Choosing for ‘mike’ made things a little complicated. It’s not my real name, but it’s close. Most foreigners pronounce my real name as ‘mikey’, so I thought I’d make it easier. Thought wrong, lol.
I am indeed a girl.

Glad you liked my entry.
I had been watching the IFC for so long, but could never find inspiration to do something with the given topics. Now, there’s two rounds in a row that are right up my alley. I’m so happy I could finally join...

Haha OMG I only now looked at your image closer. I just assumed you were a guy. Its funny the assumptions we make. Glad thats all sorted lol.

I thought you were a guy too! Ohhh so sorry xD Mike it's a diminutive of Michael, and Michael it's my name in English. The name in Portugues is Miguel, so yeah xD
But this entry, sure is awesome! I have to post it tomorrow!

Ah! Good to know! Thanks for the clarification. :)
Also glad you found the inspiration to get involved! I'm really happy you joind too! I appreciate each and every person who genuinely wants to play and you seem like a friendly nice person! So definitely happy to have you around! And look forward to seeing more from you in the future! :D Cheers!

Good one @bashadow! I liked how you kept it within the IFC world! Good slogan too! Best of luck in this round! I can just picture these fellas having a grand 'ole time around that fire!

Thank you, I was sort of worried at first, then i saw @simplymike's entry, and well i think this might work. A dictionary, (paper kind) helped. I am seriously looking forward to some more laughs.

Yes! They both gave me a laugh! I'm sure there will be more to come!

That was awesome! Made me smile. :) Great work bashadow! Loved it. :D

Oh.. Also.. I didn't see you included a slogan as well

IFC - where words, pictures, art and style, come together.

That's pretty cool! Thanks!

Great entry, although I will need a dictionary to find out whether there’s actually any sense in that. So many unknown words in there...

Sentences with all ‘k’ words are easier to pronounce. Have you tried reading those I made with an ‘s’ out loud? I tried reading them to my girlfriend this morning. It’s just impossible - lmao

I did use a dictionary, just a small clip in the school binder dictionary, but it had enough "k" words to find.

Kickass kountry kookin kryptonite kakes
Ok i am not good with the letter K and i need to learn to spell

LoL. I did't think many would try K, almost as hard as Q.

You can get one line with all letters I think, then It gets harder for each line after, I think I chose the easiest letter

Ah I didn't see this till now! I think @kryptocek had a few to many pints after he got the fire going! :)

You have my vote for the slogan its short and simple great work

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