MY FASTING JOURNEY, DAY 4: Weight: 237 Body fat %: 32 Diagnosis: Fat Boy. Poop, the poop, and nothing but the poop...........So help me......
Day 4 is coming to a close on my 'Get rid of fat John and bring back skinny John' journey.
Here is today's picture. My Day 1 picture is below:
Day 1
It looks like a little weight came off my belly!
What happened to me today physically:
Today was pooping day. Discharge city! The first round of major toxin release began today. I've experienced this before on previous fasts that I've accomplished. I've completed 5 days (last year) and I remember day 4 was when this happened.
I could tell that my body is happy with an empty stomach. The next step it took was to find anything loose in the intestines and send it down the line first. This makes sense as the large break-up of particles won't begin for another few days.
Hunger pains are beginning to subside. There's a small grumble here or there, but nothing like the first two days.
My hearing is starting to turn on which is normal. As our body cleans out built up toxins, our five senses start to come back to us. Hearing is always the first to come back for me. Since this is my longest fast yet (30 days), I look forward to seeing which other senses turn on for me!
'Till tomorrow,