I've just send the complete Dr. Judy Wood work to the CIA
Something told me that it could be very useful for them to study her work.
The document I've sent is available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dP9Tu9swbwB_cN06m7yECTJXnLax1ac-/view?usp=sharing
Maybe they will be able to retrieve some useful information.
I only know that Dr. Judy has received serious response from the US military which they were not aware of such capacity (not at this scale), I'm also aware of the fact that the CIA has seriously looked many times in the past into directed energy weapons including some Russian DEW space program so they where probably already aware of such information but it can maybe help them to know who has been able to destroy two towers and the part of the pentagon who were working on the missing Trillions from the US department of defence's budget (About $30K / US citizens).
Source http://www.pogo.org/our-work/letters/2001/ns-wds-20010308.html https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/19851201.pdf https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/19850305.pdf http://www.multpl.com/united-states-population/table https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dP9Tu9swbwB_cN06m7yECTJXnLax1ac-/view?usp=sharing
I wonder if the "GAMMA" solid state laser directed energy weapons from Northrop Grumman is enough powerful to start fire in California. I don't think so it only has a power of 14KW but it is in any way awesome and very impressive but it should cost a lot of money and be reserved to intelligence agency and military which would if used be instantaneously detected by radar systems if used by an external organism.
Anyway it is a very important security related subject which I wanted to share in order to be able to smoothly and better avoid threats related to/with the CIA even if they know a lot more about space DEW than me since they know theses techs since many many years.
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It is very strange that my tweet was deleted, how can it even be possible? I think we have a very serious issue there.
Postings like this are a public attraction in the steemit community
It actually is very serious, I just want to make it clear. As it is legal and tremendously valuable for the CIA I put it on the Steem blockchain^^
wow steady once this post, good luck always