in #judaism7 years ago (edited)

The Torah Code -What Does it Mean and is YOUR NAME in it ?? What they have FOUND will astound you!


Once people learn about the Torah Code they want to know "Is my name in the Torah Code ?" It is natural to be curious if God has his eye upon you and if your purpose will be revealed within it!

The Bible code (Hebrew: הצופן התנ"כי‎‎, also known as the Torah code, is a set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah from God.
This hidden code has been a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message. An example of that is by taking every 50th letter of the Book of Genesis starting with the first taw, the Hebrew word "torah" is spelled out. The same occurrence takes place in the Book of Exodus.

Now it takes much less time with the use of computers and computer programs that are used to search for similar patterns and more variants, as well as quantifying its statistics to back up the odds.

The Torah Code is Biblical Prophecy!!

Using the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) method, researchers have concluded that there is encrypted within the books of the Torah a code that tells of people and events far into the future. With the increase in technology and the use of computers, decryption of the codes has become far more efficient, and has allowed for variables to be virtually eliminated.

This was prophesied in the Book of Daniel 12:4 (CJB)
“But you, Daniel, keep these words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there as knowledge increases.”

Proving the validity of the claims that these Torah Codes fulfill prophecy, they also reveal their own predictions and revelations.

This has been tested and found to be true more than once by many others who have learned about Torah code.

There are many samples to be viewed on web sites such as the Temple of the Messiah. All have been confirmed and crossed verified as undeniable!!




Torah code researchers such as Emil Johannson, Clark Isaac, Michael Harr and Selena Scott learned from the Top Torah Code researcher Richard Ruff. They offer their services here at a discounted rate as follows:



Can you learn how to do it? Of course! CLICK here for a FREE tutorial!


Top Torah code researcher Richard Ruff has made several MAJOR discoveries beyond your imagination. Discoveries made date back to 2011 to present that reveal the identity of the Messiah also known and confirmed in the Torah code as one in the same as the Moshiach, his foot steps and future !

YES, that time is actually NOW!


Samples of the world TOP Torah code researcher Richard Ruff 's work found here on his web site


Such Torah codes have caught the attention of many people and eerily show some confirmations of events that occurred when predicted ahead of time by the Torah codes message sent by God just waiting to be revealed in this time!!

You can also see some of the Torah codes being showcased on such other web sites such as the Jewish Prophet News:



Here are some more Torah Codes that have confirmed prophecy that has FULFILLED as support by the Temple of the Messiah aka The Temple of Expected Moshiach!


We are witnessing all of this ......NOW !!!
Yes, these Torah codes reveal that we are now in the End of Days and that the Messiah's foot steps are upon the earth NOW ! It all started in Jerusalem 2011!

Many are seeing this, getting excited and sharing their discovery with the world! Witness some of it here ! SPREAD THE WORD !

Credits and Sources
God and His Son Always
Other networks that have showcased these works and supported by



Love God Love Each Other ! Cardinal Kelly Patrick


"To Moses We gave the Scriptures, a perfect CODE for the righteous, with precepts about all things, and a guide and a blessing, so that his people might believe in the ultimate meeting with their Lord".
[Qur'an: Sura 6, "Cattle", verse 155]

Exactly and I see that we do read the bible and that is welcoming as well ! ")

YES, that time is actually NOW!

That is true, anything else is kindergarten...

Very good information being presented here about the important message that has been encoded in the 3,300 years old Torah Code & the Word of God. This is the truth that people should really take the time to be aware during the End of Days period that we are in right now.

Well done, Sister for this information.

It says a lot about a person when they reject something which God Himself encrypted for the purpose of being found. A slap in the face.

To those who say the codes are meaningless are the ones that have less than a clue about them. They do not understand God's word thus will Mock God's word and those who would look at it in an unbias way. Shame on them. Many codes have been discovered predicting events before they even happen. If those people that mock and scoff truly understood then they would not be so hasty to dismiss it.

Excellent write-up! The Torah Code has much to reveal. Thank you, @cardinalkpatrick!

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