Tikkum Olam compared to Enlightenment.

in #judaism7 years ago (edited)


Here is a link discussing the idea of Tikkun Olam. I would like to compare the idea with esoteric enlightenment within Christian Gnosticism and eastern spirituality in general.

First I would like to say that any religious injunction projected outward onto others is and will always be an error. Religious atrocity over 10,000 years can be truncated down to this one crucial error of religiosity; whether the Crusades, Jihadism, or Tikkun Olam--it's always bad, bad, bad and never ends well.

Let's compare this idea with Buddhism, shall we? In Buddhism, there is no injunction to project your religious conviction unto others in a societal manner; one practice's within the interiority of one's own mind and if things go well one can experience extraordinary states of consciousness; however, there is really no need to force an interior experience onto others in society--if all goes well, according to theory--society will eventually work itself out for the better. This isn't to say that enlightened people shouldn't try to set up the conditions within their respective societies to further advance the enlightenment of all sentient beings, but this would be done mind fully and with skillful means. In Buddhism, this is known as the sangha and the dharma and it's voluntary (and so should be).

I should mention that I'm no fan of theocratic systems whether the Hindu caste, Sharia Law, Christian Fascist States, or Israel. They don't work and never end well. The religious experience has to be about the individual's relationship to its source and nothing more. Society should be governed by rational non-corrupted secular law and the problem today, of course, is that big money corrupted secular law (but that doesn't mean secular law is wrong). It means we have to get the various mafias out of power. And make no mistake, religious mafias want control of the State. That was a big part of why 911 happened. Yes, there are those that want to crush secularism and usher in a worldwide Marxist Theocracy. 

And therein lies the enormous problem of Tikkun Olam--it's delusional in practice. Look, by all means, practice within the 4-walls of your home as that is your right but you have no right to project it further! There is the issue of hypocrisy, too. Do you know what it looks like to have the largest genocidal prison camp in human history in your country and then project that you want to fix my country? No thanks! But this is what you're doing on a worldwide scale and it's delusional! Hell, Jewish scholars openly admit the history espoused in the Torah is nonsense! But sure, believe anything you want but keep it in your own house and in your own mind. Please, stop trying to fix me as I can no longer afford the interest rates! Take the log out of your own eye first you hypocrites! It should be noted that there are those documenting Jewish control of Buddhism--wrong, wrong, wrong! We can be reasonably sure, too, that today's SJW are in large part funded by this demographic. Not good!

Okay, now a point on Christian Gnosticism: this world is irredeemable and the legal property of the Demiurge who controls ALL religion but not the religious experience. This is the number one reason to eschew religious theocracies--render unto Caesar that which is Caesars! The Christian Gnostic much like the Buddhist has one goal only: to get the hell out of this prison matrix! Got it?


It's sad when people get caught up in all these fake religions. So many lives consumed with lies.

good information

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