Communities Part 2: The Role of a Community Member
Last week I wrote about the role of communities in blockchain. Due to some recent social media attacks I now feel the need to write about the role of a community member.
Firstly, let me say that we have been thrilled with the interest in our community.
Individuals enter #crypto for different reasons. You could be here to generate income, learn about the technology or are looking for investment opportunities. No one should judge you on this.
Communities play a pivotal role in blockchain and can be a great starting point on your #crypto journey. What people do not always realize is that most of these communities are self funded. Yes, people use their own money to build and sustain a community. You should not feel that you have a right to be in any community. Would you open your home to any stranger knocking at your door? And as such they can and do have the right to their own community rules and requirements. While some may have an open-door policy, other may have more restrictions to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all. As a community member you need to respect that there is always a good reason for these community rules. Communities are a place to go and meet people that share the same interests.
There are many things that a community leader or administrator may look at when deciding if you are a good fit for their community. Here are some examples of RED FLAGS.
Stock photo from Canva
Hiding behind a fake profile
There can be a plenitude of valid reasons for this and you may be asked to explain. They may want to ensure that you are not someone hiding behind a profile for criminal or inappropriate reasons. I do not feel safe sharing my real identity, this is my brand, I was having a bad hair day when I set up my profile, I just really love my cat or I am wanted by the FBI (this one probably will not make anyone feel comfortable, sorry). A personal profile is of course a personal decision, but a quick explanation goes a long way. Communities just want to protect their members. We show our true faces and identities and feel more should do the same. If two differing options were offered who would be more likely to believe? A cartoon or a real person? Think about it.
Multiple profiles
We see this all the time. I really cannot say that there are many good reasons for this. Be careful this can label you as a scammer in the #crypto world. The one exception would be a company themselves where they have a personal and company profile. Why would anyone want you in their room? Would your fellow community members be OKAY with you getting 5,10,15 times more of coin drop then them? Nope, I do not think so. I have seen people openly brag about this. Seriously!
When you wake up in the morning are you going room to room to room saying “Hi” or “Good Morning” and then leaving quick to hit the next room? I understand that many rooms that drop coins will only do so to people that have been active in the last 24 hours. Seriously, are you being a good community member? Are you taking some time to talk with other members, learn about them and the community? I am sorry but this is not a valid reason for becoming a community member.
What you share on social media says a lot about you.
If someone were to check you out on social media what would they find? Are you sharing information or contests from well known scammers? I am sorry to break the news to you, but NO ONE will give you a BITCOIN and NO ONE will make you a millionaire overnight. Giving away a Tesla, maybe? (@justinsuntron)Interested in giveaways? No problem, your community can help you with tips to keep you safe and educated. When you become friends with other community members, they will check you out and how would you feel if they became involved in a scam that you shared on social media? Do you share inappropriate material? I really do not enjoy seeing vivid pictures of things that should be covered up in public. Your conduct can and will affect your community and its members! Do you retweet or like anything from the community or project that you claim to care so much about? Are you excited about a member’s accomplishments? Then get the word out. Are you excited about new a project development then why not share it?
There are many ways to spam. Dropping inappropriate links in a room is one. Following someone around social media and dropping emojis. If you have something to say about a post or tweet, please try and use words. What made you feel the way you did? Words are more professional and powerful. In some cases, an emoji says it all but in other cases it just looks rude and immature. Always think twice before posting. In Social Media, your conduct will follow you for LIFE. Yes, this is what your parents had tried to tell you all those years. When attending an AMA, please do not spam. Some people are there to listen/read and learn. When you post repeatedly it is hard for others to follow the conversation.
Be respectful of the community and your fellow members.
Some members may be new to #crypto and some may be more experienced. There are no dumb questions and all members should be happy and willing to answer questions or help point them in the right direction. I hate when I see #DYOR. They are researching, that is why they are here! When someone is having a bad day say “Hi”, when someone is celebrating an accomplishment or milestone, help them celebrate. Respect others like you would a good friend or family member. Treat others how you would like to be treated. You may build a relationship and meet a new lifelong friend. I know we have.
Stock Photo from Canva
Please do not CALL your administrators or community leaders in the middle of the night or send repeated DM messages. A call at 3am in their time zone will not get you any Brownie points. People have lives, families and other responsibilities just as you do. Ask a question in the community and if you are then directed to DM an admin, then feel free to do so. Also, if you do not get the answer you want please do not work your way through the list hoping you will get a different answer.
Stock Photo from Canva
I can go on and on, but I think you all get the point now that your conduct can and will affect others.
A bit off topic
A few more questions have come up recently, so I would like to answer a few of these here.
A question was asked about what does #JTSGlobal stand for. Originally, #JTS was an abbreviation for John’s Tron Squad. Quite a mouth full as you can see. We simplified this to #JTSGlobal. While we started out as a #TRON community we have now grown to include a broader range of #blockchains, tech discussions, use case, what problems does it solve, etc.
Why the logo and branding?
Our members wanted a way to show the world who we really are as a community. These were all discussed and designed by the community. The globe represents a “global community”. The heart was included to show our respect for one another, and the country flags represent our diversity.
We would love to welcome you to our community and if you feel we are a good fit for you please reach out.
Trina Batista
I'm glad to see you posting here. I would have really expected to see more Tron users come and support this project especially with all the controversy.
Trying our best to support. I'm not a writer but I'm trying something new in the hopes this will help clean up our space and make people think about their actions.
Yeah, the idea that one has to consider themselves a writer to use a social media platform is one of the problems Steem has had since the first year.
We need to allow people to just casually post like they would on any other media.
Yeah.... I wish we could post our original photography and artwork here and not get flagged to zero. I am really liking these days.
Hi @whatsup, are you a TRON user? I'd like to learn more about TRON blockchain
I'm not a Tron users sorry. :)
thanks anyway for the reply
Awesome blog and a great read.!!
Looking forward to welcoming more from the #JTS Community to #Steemit.
As a huge fan of what you guys are doing, I am looking forward to continuing to support you guys wherever I can.
Keep up the great work.
You guys are rock'n it.!!
What an awesome read!!!. #JTS community is the kind of community to look out for.
A community with tactical leadership principles
Thanks Nelo.
That is an awesome clear article about #JTSGlobal community. No special qualities to be one of JTS community, just be you and respect others and ourselves.
Learn, share, experience and lit.
Communities have an important role at blockhain world.
Thank you Trina Batista for this article looking forward for the next one....good work😊👍
Best & well explained community guidelines..
Appreciate #JTS efforts from the core of my heart 😍🤗✌
i agree with all the points given, a community to exist should respect its members and must think how the community will thrive not only for itself but for the members as well. this this works both ways. its not a one way road. good luck to our community and good afternoon..its lunchtime...let's eat!! :)
Hi @jtsofficial, now I follow you on STEEMIT
Amazing news #JTS #JTSGlobal