Joe Rogan and Bill Burr Discuss Seth Rich

in #jre7 years ago (edited)

Hosting what is arguably the most popular podcast on the planet, Joe Rogan is spreading the word about Seth Rich's assassination.

video clip - JRE episode 967

Personally, I would like to see Rogan delve deeper into the case and have reporters who are investigating the murder come on the podcast. Obviously, going on the podcast would bring the story to a wider audience and at the very least help wake some people up to the massive cover-up that's going on in the media and in DC. The JRE is the perfect vehicle for breaking through the media filter and reaching a receptive and diverse audience.

Joe and Bill also talk NSA surveillance and the recent murder of Florida prosecutor Beranton Whisenant, whose body was found on a north Florida beach with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. Whisenant worked in the same district as Clinton disciple and Florida congressional representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

On a YouTube live stream yesterday, George Webb and Jason Goodman expressed a willingness to do shows like JRE, Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett, and even Alex Jones (now that would be interesting). Webb has received a lot of criticism lately on reddit and voat about his comments on working for the 'old guard' of Mossad. In the live stream George denies he worked for Mossad but that there was some kind of contact, either in terms of being an 'unwitting' operative or perhaps receiving 'bread crumbs' from the intelligence agency.

When Alex Jones appeared on JRE (ep. 911) a few months ago he promoted the pizzagate theories but also muddied the waters quite a bit. Soon after doing the show he came out with his, now infamous, apology to James Alefantis and distanced himself from the issue.

It's encouraging to see that Joe is up to speed on the Seth Rich investigation and we can only hope that Joe's natural curiosity leads him further down the rabbit hole.



Yes, this is great news. The more coverage the better!

I personally think the deep state will continue to cover this up right up until there's a major arrest. Then all hell will break loose.

I'm eagerly awaiting the appointment of the new FBI Director.

They will, for sure, but who's going to make the first arrest? That's a big question mark. Whoever is appointed FBI director, their first line of business should be to fire McCabe and clean house.

Firing McCabe is not necessarily the right course of action, at least immediately. People often hang themselves if you give them enough rope, and I expect that is exactly the reason he hasn't been fired already.

Also, you might consider that any ongoing investigation into fraud or other crimes committed by various politicians and other actors might well be developing intelligence regarding those crimes and actors by continuing surveillance of persons presently not fired, arrested, or otherwise made aware of their being under suspicion.

There are a lot of levels of deception being undertaken by all parties, and hopefully, certainly, Trump and his team are as deceptive as it takes to develop solid criminal cases regarding illegal surveillance, obstruction of justice, and various fraud and other crime, that has been in evidence prior to his investiture.


On a YouTube live stream yesterday, George Webb and Jason Goodman expressed a willingness to do shows like JRE, Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett, and even Alex Jones (now that would be interesting).

That would kick ass!

One big roundtable?
= No more asses - all kicked to smithereens.

If you like James Corbett, I started this about him:
OSAPAP 002 - Over 20 Diverse Politically Profound Amazing Animations

You had me at hello, er, pedophilia. I mean, I'm following you - since that article, today. What I mean is, I hope you'll also follow my project, vote as you see fit, but most importantly give constructive criticism and feedback as an educated Corbett fan. Most people are un-woke.

Blah blah blah
me me me.

I'm still hammering out the treatment stuff - to clarify my goals, intentions, limitations, etc... then I'll actually start pre-production, sketches, storyboards, conceptualizing, etc... then I'll actually start modelling and animating and rendering... then I'll have the first minisode. I'll be blogging all the way hoping for collaborations and support however big or small. Animation is a long, slow process but I've got decades of experience and I'm in it for the long haul.

Maybe you also like Lionel? Corbett did a few interviews with him.

Lionel doesn't like me but that's a whole other story, partly my fault, by accident.

Honestly, I have never seen Joe's show, or knowingly heard him speak. I am kinda selective about what I watch and read, and eschew most popular items, as I am not very interested in popularity.

However, it is good that, whether there is more than circumstantial evidence of sexual crimes discovered by those investigating Pedogate, there are absolutely provable efforts to suppress the investigation, evidence, and reporting of it.

The same is true of most scandals, and it is often the obstruction of investigation that provides the strongest evidence of crime, for example the huge amount of false information and statements from officials and such investigation as they undertook of the 9/11 murders.

Clearly, regardless of what you think actually happened, or why, on 9/11, people did try to prevent the truth from being known, who were duty bound by law to ascertain the truth, and tell us.

That is a crime itself, and should be more often used, for example in the Seth Rich case, as the failure to follow standard investigative procedures clearly shows there is ongoing obstruction in that case. Failing prosecution of such obstructions, due to prosecutorial authority being unlawfully limited to the state, we at least have RICO, which has been successfully used before, and the court of public opinion, which also has.

This is why, in cases such as Pedogate and the Seth Rich murder, it is so important for citizens to continue to investigate, even though there are official cover ups and obstruction of justice.


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