Lord RayEl's Love For Japan

in #jp6 years ago

Hello everyone. For the sake of your own growth and survival during this time of trial and Judgment, I want to point out something the Lord’s Imperial Regent, Angelus Domini recently explained.

Lord RayEl has a special place in his heart for Japan and the Japanese people, and after hearing their true nature, perhaps you will as well. I also urge you to watch George Takei’s Ted Talk about loving a country that has betrayed him, and truly begin to see the reason our Lord favors the Japanese.

Consider this... People who lived through World War II are still alive today. Japanese-Americans experienced REAL prejudice and discrimination that no other so-called "oppressed group" in America can match. They suffered because Japan attacked America at Pearl Harbor, beginning a bloody war between America and Japan.

Loyal Americans of Japanese descent were rounded up en masse, and thrown into horrific prison camps, for no other reason than their heritage. Japanese-Americans were hated for the actions of Japan, and they experienced unprecedented xenophobic prejudice that was fueled by wartime patriotism. Despite this, and having everything taken away from them, they worked hard.

Within a single generation, they rose to the top echelon of America's societal stratification. They have led the way in education and industry, while having some of the lowest crime statistics found in any group.

At the same time, the country of Japan had lost the war and been decimated with multiple atomic bomb strikes... But within barely a generation, they rebuilt their country. Now they lead the world in many fields of industry, science and technology.

As individuals and as a nation, they have proven that overcoming adversity is a matter of will and work... Not of complaining about how terrible you think you have it.

I’m Archbishop William Scoggins, and I think you can see the standard that has been set. Match it, and give yourself to God.

Lord RayEl, has arrived as promised and prophesied and you can visit us (His clergy) at one of our many locations...

God bless.

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(I claim neither credit nor ownership of the above image and or any video content)



Japan has always had a place in my heart. I'd sell a few organs to get there lol

The Japanese people and culture will hold a special place in my heart as well. Through so much adversity they still rised above it. They did not complain about it they went back to work and MADE it better. What other group can say that? None. The culture of Japan is so rich and they are very honorable people.

The Lord has great taste in people <3

I've heard Japanese people live longer.

Takei's video is inspiring. I've had the pleasure to make several friends from Japan and they are great people.

I've always loved Japan too.

Lord RayEl judges righteously

Can we please discuss authentic ramen and okonomiyaki? These are also very strong qualifying merits, I believe.

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