Jim Darkmagic: Blowing Your Daily Isn’t What It Sounds Like. Let’s Draw!

in #joy7 years ago (edited)


In my last post, I talked about the influence of Luke Ross on me as a child. The untold number of D&D contributing artists have also made their mark on me.

My motivational capabilities are limited, so I’m only ever going to speak to my own experiences. I just don’t have the ability nor the willpower to get you jumping out of a plane. What I will be talking about, is that tonight I decided to draw.

This evening, I’ve been reading and listening to more information about the blockchain and which new cryptocurrency is likely to become a huge hit and change the world we live in (Steemit’s probably on the right track, eh?). However, you get to a stage where it’s information overload and you just need to relax.

It’s been a little while since I’ve drawn anything and thought I’d give drawing Jim Darkmagic a go.


Jim’s one of these guys who walks out of a carriage and you see doves. If you’re unfamiliar with Dungeons & Dragons (D&D for the uninitiated), it’s all about character development and the use of magic to loot dungeons and level up. Jim Darkmagic is a character played by the incomparable Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade.

Penny Arcade along with Wizards of the Coast decided to unleash a phenomenon upon the world – ‘Acquisitions Incorporated’.

It began as a podcast (which I’ve never personally listened to) but transmuted into a live theatre spectacular! By live theatre spectacular, you need to envisage four writers and artists (nerds) playing a D&D campaign around a Geek Chic table hosted by my favourite Dungeon Master – Chris Perkins. You can find the very first video recording I watched of this show here.

This really isn’t about me discussing the awesomeness of Acquisitions Inc. It’s about showcasing my incredible ability to copy someone else’s terrific artwork which can be found here.

When you’re spending too much time vegetating, go and push yourself to do those things that pump your blood or make you realise your untapped potential. Others don’t determine your value. You do. Go create something amazing.

I'll leave you with some artwork created today by Connor, a nine-year-old student. These kids find a way to blow my mind every day. We don't study American politics, but he made his opinion absolutely transparent.


Titled simply, "Wall of Trump".

All the best,


All content is original.

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