It's More About the Journey than the Destination

in #journey7 years ago


You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised (Hebrews 10:36).

God is much more interested in the details of our journey than He is in getting us to our destination. The trouble is, we often find ourselves frustrated and bewildered by that process. “Why can’t God just propel me into my destiny now?” We want to know. “Why all this waiting?”

We live in a world that rushes everywhere and knows very little about journeying. As Christians, we are often infected with the same virus. We want God to act in our lives now, and we become impatient and tired if we don’t see any evidence of Him moving.

But instead of restlessly trying to push ahead to the next thing, we need to pause to understand what God is doing in our lives now and view events in the context of our whole journey.

The question that most of us want answered in life is: “What is happening when nothing seems to be happening?” What is God up to when there is no evidence of Him answering our prayers or moving us along in our journey?

We must remember that God is always preparing us for what He already prepared for us. He never forgets!

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