Why I think Daily Stormer is a satire site akin to the Onion. (1/2)

in #journalism8 years ago (edited)


A racist joke can mean two things: A joke about racists or racism, or a joke with a racist intent.

Which do you think is the case here?

Racism and identity politics being inherently the same, we could deduce that the Daily Stormer is an elaborate joke on both social justice identity politics and stormfront identity politics, both being racism. They deliberately screw up the media narrative that paints everyone who doesn't agree with their flavour of identity politics being fascists and nazis by "owning up" to the portrayed prejudice and hate and blowing it out of proportion so blatantly that any normal person with a decent sense of humor should immediately see it as a joke.

The recent debacle between the media and PewDiePie (Felix Kjällberg) has certainly highlighted the media bias and inability, or straight unwillingness to see satire and sarcasm for what it is. They are scared because PewDiePie has a reach ultimately trumping theirs, and while he's his own boss, not accountable to anyone but himself, he is becoming a force that might one day (if not already) be disrupting to their status quo as propaganda disguised as news.

So, the media will do anything and everything in their power to twist the words and actions of someone they are clearly scared of, clearly out of context to make it seem that this person is a bigot, racist and a nazi. propaganda machine. To bring him down a peg or two, or to outright destroy him so he wouldn't be such a threat to their influence and profits.

So in the wake of the WSJ article where they basically admitted to quote-mining and taking him out of context, and forcing Disney and Youtube to sever ties with him, the Daily Stormer had done a joke about them being the #1 fansite of PewDiePie, and the media went absolutely nuts. (Wired has later re-worded their article title.) It seems like there's a coordinated effort to paint Felix in a bad light, to make him sound like the worst human being alive. And they are Failing hard:

What's your take on this? Do you think Daily Stormer is a real Stormfront news site, or just a parody?

How do you think about PewDiePie's humor? I personally don't think his humor is at all racist, it is directed at the media obsessed over identity politics, so obsessed they are in fact racists themselves, and can't do anything but project their own racism towards anyone who disagrees with them and simultaneously threatens their profit margins.

I'll stop here, I'm going to take my boys outsitde for skating.

Discuss, use reason and be nice to eachother.

P.s. I decided to make an amended piece later, now that I've received some commentary with more information and new insight into the Daily Stormer angle. I'll keep you guys posted, and the article will eventually pop up in your feeds.

[Previous post: So I powered up]

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We are at the point now where if someone buys into the "manufactured outrage" corporate media spins, they must have lost all capability to reason. Great writing. upped/followed.

Yep. I wonder why so many people still fall for that crap. Even on Youtube I've seen people first condemn Felix, then suddenly doing some research and realizing they've been in the wrong all along. Many have had to admit to have "taken the bait, hook, line and sinker" when WSJ first published their hit piece. We can all be thankful it is not actually hard to take five to 15 minutes to research the claims for ourselves.

Thanks for the upvote and follow. I followed you back.

It amazes and perplexes me. WSJ is terrible. Their writers can be diabolical.

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