Talking to Dog about Taking Things

in #journal7 years ago

I caught Dog taking what was not freely given the other day. Someone had left the cooler unzipped and on the floor. The family members were all out doing something and I had to go to the bathroom. I heard some unusually noises while I was in there doing my stuff.

When I came out the telltale signs of the crime were spread about the floor – large chunks of half eaten sandwich and chewed on plastic wrap. Dog slunk off into the corner cowering under the table. I just laughed.

Dog cowering under the table

Very quickly he came back out again with a guilty look on his face. I suspect his previous owners would have gone postal on him based on how he acted right after we got him from the dog pound. He seems like a much happier dog now.

My guess is that there is a lot of history between humans and dogs that tell them instinctively not to take that which is not freely given. If the opportunity presents itself though, Dog will take advantage and then beg for forgiveness afterward.

I guess doing the ‘crime’ is enticing and the risk of getting caught exciting, and the punishment enough of an existential threat so that sandwiches get eaten when left out.

Fictional Conversation with a Rat Terrier

“Hey Dog, why did you eat the sandwich?” I asked.

“What sandwich?” said Dog, “You saw nothing.”

“You know what sandwich Dog, and your guilty. Who else could have done it? If it wasn’t you why are you hiding under the table?” I asked.

“This is where I go to feel safe and secure after guarding the castle against rats and other vermin. Besides where’d you get the sandwich anyway? I’ve never seen you chasing chickens or anything. Maybe I’ve seen you pulling some scrawny potatoes out of the yard and a few berries that are hardly worth eating, but by in large you don’t seem to do a whole lot,” said Dog.

“Dog, Dog, oh ye of such little faith. I can pull chicken butt out of thin air,” I said with a smile.

“I don’t believe that,” said Dog.

“Hey Dog, RAT!” I said pointing off in the corner.

Dog raced around sniffing wildly. “Where? Where?!? let me at it. I smell nothing?”

Reaching into the mini fridge I quickly dumped the chicken into the dog bowl. “Behold Dog, chicken butt,” I said laughing.

“Human, you amaze me,” said Dog.

“You see Dog, once upon a time, long long ago, before you were born even, I used to write software for finding oil and other resources deep under the ground. It paid very well. Of course it took many, many years of rather esoteric education to get the job. Plus I’ve done other things too. So to make a long story short I no longer have to chase chickens to eat.” I said.

“Isn’t the burning of fossil fuels destroying the planet?” asked Dog.

“Who told you that? You can’t prove that,” I said.

“You can’t prove anything human, but why burn fossil fuel when there are better alternatives?” asked Dog.

Rat terrier looking guilty

“Your right Dog. I told you that was a long time ago. I’ve reformed and I try not to steal anymore. I’m just trying to get along in this world,” I said.

“I don’t think it is really stealing Human; if a sandwich is there you eat it right?” said Dog.

“Perhaps Dog, perhaps...” I said.

Thanks for reading. I really value your support. Pictures are taken by me with my Galaxy S7


Sometimes dogs, cats, bears, and some animals teaches us to secure our things to make them dog-cat--bear-other animal-safe-proof.
My mother used to talk to our dog and at one time our neighbor heard it and cautioned my mother that our dog might talk back. LOL.
Quite a kind thing of you to adopt your pet there, as for me I prefer to get a puppy and then try to outlive it too.

Well, a lot of things seem to talk back in a language beyond words. I try not to listen or look too deeply it doesn't seem to be generally socially accepted. I'm sorry for some of the things I have put family and friends through, but I'm feeling deeply blessed.

Anyhow, hopefully a somewhat funny story - at least Dog and I seem to mostly get along. LOL.

Yes I agree. We as humans can even read a message from someone's glance.
Check out this beautiful poem.

The Look


Strephon kissed me in the spring,
Robin in the fall,
But Colin only looked at me
And never kissed at all.

Strephon's kiss was lost in jest,
Robin's lost in play,
But the kiss in Colin's eyes
Haunts me night and day.


Nice poem, thanks!

I am glad to see you are back to posting!
Aww poor Dog. Who knows what the previous owner did to the poor thing. I say whats a sandwich amonst friends!

Hey, thanks! I was out for a bit traveling so it was a bit harder to focus on posting. Yup, Dog is pretty spoiled at this point, sandwiches are no big deal.

Excellent read dear brother. Funny with deep philosophy. I think animals communicate their own way. Specially Dogs, Cows, Parrots, Monkeys I have personal experience that they always try to communicate with humans but their own way.
Many of them have senses way way stronger than humans such as dogs can sense earthquakes way earlier than us. It's all vibrations which communicates and their senses to read certain sort of vibrations are unmatched though they can't put it into a language we understand!!

Thank you dear brother. It is nice to know you found it funny and philosophical. I think some animals do sense things more like vibrations and smells. Plus they don't have there mind preoccupied with all kinds of things like paying bills, trading Steem, etc. ;)

Absolutely right brother, their minds come out of past as soon as the time becomes past!!

Presently I'm thanking you much. Dog and I went out for our evening walk and I was thinking about you for some reason. I came back and found a nice surprise on my post! :)

Thinking (we call it "Simran" in Punjabi) is everything my dear brother. There are very powerful vibrations which keep the whole universe connected even separated by time and space.

Such a nice and interesting read. I translated a bit of this to my 3.5 year old son and he enjoyed it too much. And yes talking to animals is a legit thing. Fauna empaths are those who can sense the feelings of animals and really communicate with them. Two of my cousins have that ability. :) Will be following you for more interesting stuff.

I'm glad you and your 3.5 year old son liked it! It makes me happy to know he enjoyed it. :)

well whatever they do they are love <3 i just love them :D

Always good to do, thanks.

good post

ok, my friend

i just love them really . they are just life to me

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