Shaman or Boji Stones

in #journal7 years ago

I bought a new Shaman Stone for Christmas this year. I’ve had one of these stones for years since I was very young but never really new what it was until just recently. These stones seem to go by different names depending on small differences in properties.

The new stone is a lighter tan color with a smooth rounded exterior. The bottom is darker in color. When you place it on a smooth surface on its side, with the bottom down, it rolls around dancing delightfully for many seconds like something alive is inside it. If you put it on its side so it rolls on to its top, it does not do this.

These stones are generally thought of as having male or female energies. The new one seems to be more feminine. My older stone is much darker and has sharp looking iron pyrite crystals on the outside of it. It doesn’t roll around and dance like the new stone.

Depending on the orientation the two stones seem to be a somewhat attracted to each other or repulsed. They seem almost a bit like magnets but I don’t think they are magnetic.

The male stone has a slight metallic oder and the female stone has a very nice earthy somewhat spicy fragrance.

These stones are formed by the action of water in ancient sea beds. It is interesting to read about how they are formed. Concretions similar to them have even been spotted on Mars and sparked some interesting theories about cannon balls on Mars.

The stones looking rather out of place in the mossy grass.

Metaphysical Properties

I honestly haven’t figured out all the metaphysical properties of these stones yet. There is a wealth of information out on the web about it. They are supposed to be very grounding and help balance out the male and female energies and can heal areas they are in contact with.

Shaman stones are not really a purple hue – this is more typical of amethyst. (Color enhanced by Google pictures)

I heard about them from a Youtuber that I like watching who recommended that they would be good for balancing things this year. When I found out what the stone was after all these years I figured now would be a good time to get another stone.

I ordered the stone for the sum of $11, from a rather esoteric looking Internet shop that also supplied odd herbs and other strange items. I found this interesting because eleven is a rather good sign of a spiritual doorway by some accounts. I can’t remember the shops name and I’ve lost all the paperwork. It had some sort of hand written illegible cryptic message on it - something about not disclosing the email? No, phone, email, address or other contact information of any sort was on the business card – it kind of reminds me of someone, lol.

From what I have read, usually these stones are found and sold together with a male being located close by a female. Apparently sometimes a male is found with a harem of females around it. There wasn’t any picture or description of the stone when I ordered it but I figured chances were good at that price point, that I would get a female stone. Not that it matters much in any case, but it is nice to have a variety.


The two shaman stones seem to be a pretty good match. I really like them and they seem to be getting along alright as far as I can tell. :)

As with all things, how they effect you personally is a very individual thing.

I’ll be playing around with the stones. I can’t say I’ll disclose much else about them, somethings are better left unsaid. ;)

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and try to vote back to a variety of people when I get the chance. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S7.


wow.....that's a beautiful photo
great job......Amazing and nice post
Thanks for sharing

this post is prosperous and very interesting thanks for shere my dear @lightsplasher

wow dear @lightsplasher your clicking photography is awesome i like it ypur stone photos

beautiful photgraphy dear this is so cute dear @lightsplasher

Thanks! It is kind of an interesting stone.

dear @lightsplasher i want to do a friendship with you
i upvoted your last 6 days post and commented please welcome to my blog

So they're like Pokemon rocks. Every stone is unique.

Sure enough! Each blade of grass and tiny object is a totally unique expression in time and space. LOL. I do like your comment, I thought about it a bit when I was out walking today.

Great follow up! Keep us posted on their 'behavior' ~ thanks!

Thanks for suggesting the subject of the posting! I'll keep my third eye on those rocks, lol. ;)

Hey greaaat post..enjoyed reading it, specially cuz I love Shaman stuff, and beliefs..
thank you and u deserve the upvotes...

btw..I work 3d graphics and CG too..will be glad if we keep in touch..thanks..

Thanks! There are so many neat traditions and beliefs. I believe the mind has a wonderful way of helping some of the beliefs along if they are in alignment with things.

I've been meaning to post some more in the 3D graphics area. It is fun but very time consuming to do and most of my good software is on an older operating system at this point.

wonderful photography dear @lightsplasher
i likr your post very well...thank for sharing with us.. #resteemed

dear @liightsplasher
I follow your post all the time, because I love you very much, and your post feels good to me, please remember me a little bit please.......

wonderful stones photography
with a good lesson
i like your all post
thank you for sharing with us
dear @lightsplasher

I do not trust mystics too much
but some people really believe in it ..
but I admit that mystic is there .. and he can affect our lives.

I don't believe a mystic can effect your life unless you let them. Blind devotion to any mystic presently alive or historical in nature could cause some issues I suppose - I feel like you should follow your own heart and internal guidance. But I'm not sure what that exactly has to do with Shaman Stones.

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