Journal – What’s the best thing that could ever happen?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #journal7 years ago

I was talking to my mom the other day about life. We often talk for hours at least once a week. Somehow a question came up, “If you could reverse your age, would you?”, I asked innocently enough.

I was kind of expecting that she would love to be in her twenties again or some other younger age. Instead I got a lot of hesitation with a, “Not if it cost anything,” answer. She seemed a little bit more inclined to do it if she could look like anyone she wanted to after reversing her age.

To me the ‘fountain of youth’ pill is up there among the best things that could ever happen kind of thing. I’d gladly trade all my stuff for a chance to live life in a twenty something body.

Medical science seems close to a breakthrough to reverse aging. I’m not sure if it can be done but it seems possible. There are people who don’t age although their physical appearance is a bit younger than I would like.

Now changing your appearance seems possible too but a more difficult problem. I’m not that interested in changing my appearance. It might be nice but it is not a big priority to me.

Yet I know how she feels. To live a long and happy life being able to do a great variety of things is a great blessing. To start over now is filled with so many unknowns.

So many Issues

My brother has lost his job and his renters do not pay him. He is in a race to sell his house before the bank takes it. My mom does not like to see this, yet keeps not knowing what to do. He keeps borrowing money from her but can not pay it back.

My mom and I talked about going on vacation together but I do not have the funds to do that and I hesitate to ask her to pay for it all. She is old and my dad has already passed on, as well as many of my friends. Life is short.

I know I should just go ahead and do the things that I want but I don’t want to borrow cash. Plus, Mr. Piggles (my truck) sucks down the gas and I don’t want to drive it that very far, and the Priasaurus (my old car) gets much better millage but it is patched together with duct tape and bailing wire. (literally) Road trips just aren’t as fun any more and forget about flying - I don’t like that. It used to be fun but it is not any more to me.

Proof of Duck Tape

It is hard to be happy with so many issues. Our own happiness is so related to the happiness of those around us. The love we feel is related to the love we give. With everyone scrambling around there is little time for each other.

Starting over would be hard with so many struggling people.

At a certain point all the paintings have been painted all the traveling has been done. Things become more difficult than fun. The jobs all seem very hard to learn and society is no longer content to just let you slide and put parts into boxes for a living any more.

Pointing the Finger

There is a real tendency that I’ve seen to point the finger at certain people and say that they are the problem. People look at someone and say that they are taking too much without any real effort or they are not really poor. They see them standing out on the corner with a sign and they suggest that they are making a six figure salary from the good will of others.

Everyone’s motivation tends to be questioned.

I have heard stories of poor people in Bangladesh who intentionally hurt themselves each day to pick at their wounds to keep them from healing. In this way they can earn more money through begging.

I think there is definitely something very strange going on but if the finger of blame needs to be pointed anywhere it seems it should be pointed at the system.

We spend so much time and effort pointing out all the problems and protesting about them. Yes, they are there but why not point more at solutions?

What would make life really fun?

What keeps me going it wanting to see effective cooperation, peace, abundance, self autonomy, beliefs that are in alignment with ‘making the world great again’. I feel that we can no longer afford the pleasure of doing things just for ourselves without looking at the greater impact on those around us.

Here’s my bucket list of things I’d like to see before I die:

  • Be any age you want - Nothing wrong with getting old but is a drain in the health care system - old people should be valued for the experiences and wisdom they bring forth and it would be nice if they didn’t have to get old if they don’t want to.

  • Be any appearance - What counts is what is inside; we could figuratively be all one race if anyone can change physically anytime they want.

  • Nanotechnology - Plants can move atoms around it seems possible that we could someday too.

I think it would be wise to grow up a bit first though. For example, I’m fantasizing about this situation: Johnie its not nice to turn your little sister into a formless blob - you give her, her calcium molecules back.

“But she flagged my post on Steemit!”, said Johnie.

Thats no excuse! Play nicely kids!

  • Environmental Health - The real cure for cancer and a whole lot more is to stop dumping poisons and toxins into the environment imho.

  • Clean Renewable Low Cost Energy - That would be a nice gift this year.

  • New teeth - I’ve still got mine but these fillings are all needing replacement. A new set of adult teeth that grow in would be nice, I promise to take better care of them this time. (Well maybe… lol)

  • Sustainable Living - A quick cure towards living peacefully is to make it so that we all have all the things we need to sustain ourselves and our planet well.

  • Non-violent Protection - The police and the military are such dangerous occupations.

Why not just have some big unarmed robots that come into a violent situation and just pick everyone up and wait for them to chill out. If someone pulls out a gun or acts violently the robot just walks over, the bullets bouncing harmlessly off him and hands the person flowers and explains why they should calm down.

We could have them patrolling all over in self-driving cars to keep the peace. Psychologists could be hired to help talk down social situations and work along with police who control the robots. The video feed from the robot could all be made public so that abuse or corruption is unlikely.

Short of that, why not at least have some really good video and microphone recordings all the time so there are no doubts about the use of force being needed.

  • Time with Friends - Perhaps a shorter work week or better social opportunities to meet like minded people. It is not much fun if everyone is so busy all the time or in a grumpy mood because of difficult working conditions.

  • Working Economic System - A resource or incentive driven system that builds the middle class and provides the feeling of safety for all global citizens. Perhaps something like the Venus Project

  • Affordable Health Care - The best health is maintained by healthy attitudes but when you need help you should be able to get it.

  • Support for Mental Issues - Not just drugs; people need to be there for people.

The bucket list could go on and on. What would make you the happiest?

Ducks from the last time I visited them

Thanks for reading and supporting! Pictures are my work; taken with my Galaxy S7 and processed in software.


Thanks for being brutally honest about this stuff. I would say that since I lost my mother when I was 30 and she was only 52 (about 15 years ago), I would do whatever you can to go on that trip with your mom - even if you have to break it down into a bunch of small day trips or a few over-nighters. It will be worth it. I wish I had gotten to go on trips with just my mom & myself.

I think you are right. In the spring time I'll pack some extra duct tape and hit the road. Life is too short not to. Thank you for reminding me how fortunate I am.

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