Jordan Peterson - George Floyd Was Not About Race - { Reaction } - Jordan Peterson Reaction


There's this agreement among progressives, the, “wokes”, and BLM activist that the one silver lining to the death or murder of George Floyd was that it brought forth much needed conversations, changes, and policies that were to the benefit, safety and upward mobility of the black community… And when I hear ppl say this, I find myself very much disagreeing…

What conversations? The same overly emotional trigger filled language, like," police officers literally hunting down ppl of color”… That all cops are racist … And Black cops are race traders… The same talking points I've heard ever since I was in diapers…. The same conversations that still hasn't ignited any positive change until this day …

What changes, what policies?… Defund the police, that over 80% of the black community was actually firmly against… And that hurt the most vulnerable, like most progressive policies do… In my opinion, the only thing the George Floyd death and protest has shown is that we do not live in a racist society… Proven by the hundreds and thousands that took the streets in protest … Not only in the States, but all over the world… But unfortunately those protest quickly turned into violent city destroying riots … That caused the loss of business, jobs, and lives… Which the media seemed to condone…

There was no real in depth conversations about how the police force does indeed need some real change…and no, I'm not talking about sensitivity courses… Seeing black squares, hashtags, protest selfies, virtue signaling galore… More little black girls and boys being told their skin is their sin…and just the constant black dead body porn… Confirmed to me, there's really nothing good that came out of the George Floyd murder… He lost, his kid's and family loss… We all loss … More divided… More angry… More resentful…

Jordan Peterson had an in-depth conversation about the George Floyd death…and How the Mainstream News Media lite a match and fanned the flames of the murder of George Floyd… And that maybe the tragic incident had nothing to do with race… That just because something horrible happens between a black person and a white person does not mean it's racial… Sometimes bad things happen to ppl, but it doesn't necessarily mean that person is racist…

But again the media will definitely use race to race bait for views, and we all know views equals money. If you would like to hear what Jordan Peterson has to say, and of course, more of my Commentary, just click on the link to join the conversation… Thanks:


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