They are trying to crush all differences of opinion. They won't succeed.

in #jordan3 years ago


Every time you think that you have seen the most loathsome feature of academe, big business, mass entertainment, and their monstrous parasite or monstrous host in government, just wait ten minutes.

Even MLB and the NFL are hard to watch now without muting the commercials and the relentless moral posing and political posturing.

Now, I am confident that this will all blow up, because though you can crush a Mozart and a Caravaggio and a James Clerk Maxwell and a Herman Melville, you won't be able to crush them all, as the Soviet Union learned; and their titanic merits will show up the party patsies, the bureaucratic bullies, the ideological idiots -- and all ideology, that ersatz religion, is idiotic -- and the vindictive and envious vendors of the Brave New World or the Great Reset or the Dictatorship of Change.

I am amazed sometimes that such people as Peterson criticizes have no historical awareness or imagination. They seem utterly unable even to ask how future ages will evaluate our accomplishments or our acts of destruction, when people will compare, for example, the linguistic sophistication of the current New York Times or the New York Post against, let's say, that of Boys' Life magazine from its early years, circa 1915; or when they compare pictures of the half-destroyed works of art in the New York subway system with such old public monuments as the Shaw Memorial or Grant's Tomb.

But people who are devoured with envy and resentment can only repeat what Satan says,

'For only in destroying I find ease / To my relentless heart.'

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