Jokes 1001 # 30 Successful Sons

in #jokes6 years ago
Four men went golfing one day. Once arrive at the golf club, the three men headed to the waiting area while the fourth man went into the clubhouse to take care of the bill. While waiting, the three men started talking, bragging about the success of their sons.

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The first man said 'My son is a building contractor. He made a good profit last year and was listed as successful Young billionare last year. He was so successful that he wouldn't mind giving a friend a brand new house for free."

The second man said, "My son is owns a huge car dealership bussiness. Like your son, he's so successful that he don't mind to give a good friend a brand new Porsche for free."

Then the he third man proudly bragged about his son, "My son is a stockbroker and he's doing great and was listed in the Wall Street magazine as the most successful broker of the year. Being good in what he do, giving a stock portfolio worth $30 million to a friend is nothing'

As the three men finished bragging about their sons success, the fourth man joined them. One of the men said, "Hey man, we are just talking about our sons. How is yours doing?"

The fourth man replied, "Emm..well, my son is a dancer and gay. He dances in a gay bar." The three men looked at each other and smirked.

The fourth man carried on, "To be honest, I'm not totally thrilled about his job, but I guess he must be doing pretty good since his last THREE BOYFRIENDS gave him a new house, a brand new Porsche and a stock portfolio worth $30 million."

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