
in #joke7 years ago

brother: err this was a regift wasn't it?
me: how did you figure that out?
brother: well, for one, it's a 2017 calender...


He can enjoy those firemen as much as you did... Just warn him about the sticky pages

they're only sticky cos I wiped my ass with them

@trafalgar :D I hope your toilet sucked that paper down

It's smart and a good way to save money. I have given this dildo away 3 times already. I just steal it back after some time and repaint it This time around i made sure to use a permanent marker

you repaint them brown so you won't have to wash them

Thats definitely a good advice

Re-gift difficulty level - Expert (fortune cookie message)

Guaranteed Relevance After Festive Celebrations

haha regift that at your AA meetings

As a student, budgets are tight, so always remember if I regift, it's the thought that counts:

Also next time try dilbert calenders, it's so re-giftable


see what I did there, not even a 2017 calendar, make it look like a collectible ;)

haha yes that's clever

I sense a different agenda going on here

Could it be that you're just a believer in recycling?

Humor and Jokes: Hiding Deeper Issues All Over The Internet


Better than giving him an old phone with dick pics... From that trip to Thailand...

oh god hope that nsfw guy doesn't show up and read your comment

To late Traf

Summoned like a Genie your wish is my command

NSFW Warning

Old Phone With Many New Gifts

I really shouldn't vote this up, but oh well

I keep christmas cards of people that don't write a name on them. The year after I just give them back to them ;-)

that's pretty good
it's the gift that keeps on giving

Whenever I hear about regifting I remember something my friends and I did in high school and it makes me feel so guilty. We were invited to someone's birthday party and didn't have so much money to spend, so we stole a Simpson's DVD collection from my friend's younger brother and gave it to the guy :-( Still feel awful to this day about that.

lol, u got new fan here,

LOL @traf
brother is smart to be able to figure it out.

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