Make day funny (6636e)

in #joke6 years ago


Where does the 3D shape go when it murders someone? Prism

The poorest man can be rich if he gets a bunch of money.

I told my wife we are all reincarnated, but MUST come back as a different creature. She said she wanted to come back as a cow..... .... then I said: ""You obviously haven't been listening"".

What is the punishment for bigamy? Two wives.

What's the difference between a golfball and a woman's 'G' spot? A man will actually spend 20 minutes looking for a golfball... Alternative punchline: Man can actually hit a golfball...



@joykit self votes are being countered by @sadkitten for 1 week starting Thursday, July 12th 2018 because they are one of the highest self voters of the previous week. For more details see this post.

Cowardly idiot, why not pick on a whale? Why are you trying to harm Steemit? We don't live in a utopia, investors in Steemit need to make a profit or there will be no incentive to be here. You are worse than Pol Pot!

The code is the law ~ Self voting is written into the code

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