My current music obsession... August edition


Greetings Steemit.

As I was talking to Todd Menton(one of my music heroes) about The Leatherwing Bat, he asked me if I had ever heard John Jacob Niles.
When I told him no, he waved goodbye to me and said I was about to go down a rabbit hole.

He was right.

I searched him on Youtube and the first thing that came up was a collection of American Folk and Gambling songs by him.

The first song is his version of Two Sisters. I've heard at least 30 different versions of this song, and I have played it myself in the style of Tom Waits' version. As it turns out, Tom Waits was playing it in the style of John Jacob Niles.

A few songs later, I heard The Hangman.

Holy shit. This song is so creepy and bleak and awful and amazing!
This is the song that Led Zeppelin pretty much covered when they did The Gallow Pole.

John Jacob Niles was known for singing all of his songs in an Alto C#. I'm not sure if "creepy" was his intent, but it definitely turns out that way.

Eventually, I heard his Frog went Courting, which I had heard from Spider john Koerner, but never like this.

The Carrion Crow is also a song that I can't get out of my head. I don't think I will ever play this one, but I like to hear Niles do it:)

With some more research, I found Bonnie Farday.

This is apparently an old Scandinavian Folk song that made it's way through England.
I've never heard it before, and it's a tragic murder ballad.(I love those)
The song itself is creepy enough, but when Niles sings it, it takes on a new layer.

Are any of you familiar with John Jacob Niles, or do you have any cool folk recommendations?

Blessings Steemit.



At least you have a soundtrack when you go down musician-filled rabbit holes. Some rabbit holes are eerily quiet... :)

Love his music. Thankyou for sharing.

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