Special Report: Mr. Robot takes your Job soon!

in #jobs7 years ago (edited)

Many have not heard of this yet. No politician is talking about the biggest job-loss in history that is coming. The workforce will run into huge problems in the near future. Many jobs will not be available for much longer. The decline of jobs can already be seen. The employment numbers you are getting from the media are looking good, because these numbers are optimized.

Source: http://www.chilloutpoint.com/featured/human-and-robots-visions-of-the-future.html

This article has no intention to make you afraid. I just like to make you aware of this problem. It will not happen the next day. I think it will happen in a period of 10 to 20 years from now. This article covers just some aspects and makes no claims to be complete.

History of Work in short
For example, cultivating farmland took many efforts, which only humans could do at this time. Only a few or even no machines could be used. Later, in the early stages of the industrial revolution, many workers were needed.
Here is a picture to get a feeling of this time.

Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21689069/

These times have changed. Machines have advanced in many areas.

What jobs will Robots replace?
As usual, it starts from the bottom. As an example, Assembly lines have already been taken over. Some workers are left. They load the machines with new electronical stuff like SMD-Chips and observe the whole process. They do some maintenance, too. Loading up the magazines of machines can also be done by robots soon. The remaining workers will not stay for too long.

What industries are affected?
Let us have a look at what information we can get from the news here. Self-driving cars are already on our streets for some time now. Google has a working car. The company states that the car was never responsible for an accident. We can assume that self-driving cars are ready to go. Manufacturers like Mercedes-Benz and BMW are also testing cars, which can drive on highways. Yes, Tesla and others also do it.

This leads me directly to the next big thing.

Transportation, Warehousing.
In this sector, many people are employed. Their jobs are at risk of being replaced very soon. Trucks are also capable of driving on their own - 24 hours a day, without a single holiday. Can you imagine how much money a transportation company will save, when using robo-trucks?

I found some official numbers of USA, 2014:
There were around 1,330,000 employees with an avg. income of $28,390 per year. A company can save this money. However, one truck does 2-3 times more work, because he needs to pause. What company would not take such an advantage?

Everything that is driven, will be driven - automatically


I can understand that taxi-drivers were afraid of UBER. UBER is nothing compared to self-driving cars. Drivers will no longer be needed at all. Politicians and lobbyists will promote this to you with just half of the truth. They will say: "Well, automation is great, people do not longer need to do repetitive work and have more time. What they do not say is this: “We will no longer need drivers and there are no jobs for you”. You get the point, where this is leading to.
Everybody without a driver’s license can now go by car on his own at any age...".

The economy is connected in all directions. If you remove one sector, like transportation, the affected people have to find another job. But which? Should they head to a science lab? Nevertheless, you have to have a master’s degree. This will not work well. Under normal circumstances, a professional driver cannot do that. Where else can he find work and what will he earn after losing his main job he did most part of his life?

Let us sum it up. The transportation sector will no longer employ people in Taxi / Bus / Train / Truck / Postal Services / Air / ...
There will be no more pilots, drivers, captains and so on.

What is directly connected to Transportation? It is Warehousing.
Robots mostly control these modern plants. They have full automatic delivery-lines with a small number of employees. Even automatic car parks are existing already. On top off this, please do not forget the new GPS-guided transportation drones.

What else? It is close around the corner.
Have you heard about the new automated McDonald? No? It runs on its own. It is cheap, fast, makes no mistakes and the burgers taste always the same. You think there is a cashier? No, wrong, that would be too expensive. This restaurant is completely self-running.

"42-year-old Milton Waddams, an unemployed fast food worker, told reporters he is extremely disappointed by the decision to employ only robots instead of humans."
Source: http://newsexaminer.net/food/mcdonalds-to-open-restaurant-run-by-robots/

More restaurants are following. Here is a similar example:
This restaurant has no waiters and cashiers.

You can argue that the Jobs I have shown you so far are lower-paid ones. Here is the point, where it gets inconvenient for middle-class-employees.
Here is an interesting example from Japan. The company Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance plans to get rid of 30% of their employees. They do have a new Computer-System from IBM called Watson, that does the job.

But there is even more.
The military complex is advancing very quickly in terms of robots.
The US-Military industry is the biggest in the world. Do not forget all those contractor companies, which are depending on the military. You could go on and on.

The question is:
In what sector, should all these people work
In the future of our current system, there seems to be no way for many people to find a job anymore.

Ways out of the coming job-crisis
What can you do, before a machine replaces your job?
First, we have to look at, what machines can do best. Machines are perfect in speed, accuracy, repetitive operations and calculations. They can run around the clock. Once bought, they are not paid. Energy and maintenance is all they demand.

What can Humans do better?
Humans are known to have feelings, ideas, wishes and so on. We can be creative. The future working-force has to get into Creative jobs. In addition, science can do its part, to create jobs. You can also train your programming skills, which will allow you to program all those machines and get a well-paid job.

Future without work?
Possible, but more likely less working hours than today. Humans in the past did not work as much as today. Why? Because it was not necessary. If you ate and drank enough, your work was finished for this specific day. Take your dog or cat for example. They eat/drink and after that, they hang around or like to play with you. From an animal’s perspective, it does not make any sense to do more than needed to stay alive. In difference to animals, humans often do not hold on, after having earned enough money to feed themselves. Our concept is growth, theirs is preservation. If History repeats itself, humanity will likely work less in the future. Especially in regards of a growing population.

What Can you do?
I would suggest you to think about your work and if it could be replaced by a machine. Think about your skills and if you can get additional income-streams. Try to get more independent from your main job. Maybe defining new goals for you.

I would love to see, that we could start a discussion about the robotic-age, here.
I will continue to write about important topics
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gime new ideas on why steemit is that very future promised to us by Venus Project and zeitgesit movie where we wouldnt need to work physical labor but we could create stuff online and make a living that way! that people would pay us for making art etc

yeah ifu make art thats GOOD enough like a MUSIC video u can end up making MILLIONS! people will PAY you just to perform the song on tage acrossthe country and the world!

Art is a big business i wonder why people dont unerstand that yet

Yes. I discovered this short time ago. I was not thinking about it before. However, after reading about automation, I'm feeling that this could be the future. You are right. We have to change the way we work. Steemit is going in the right direction. It is really getting interesting. I saw posts with over $4000. Amazing. As you wrote, a music video can make millions. If the machines do the hard work, we can do the creative part, which by the way, is far more interesting, at least for me.

Hello @t-h-x I'm glad to have come across you and your work. I can't upvote this now, but would've if I had come across it earlier.

Everybody without a driver’s license can now go by car on his own at any age...".

This would be true, as long as you didn't have to have a license to ride in a car.

Have you seen the series Black Mirror?
Following and will hunt up some newer posts to upvote.


Hello @sighmanjestah. Thank you for your nice post. Really appreciated.
They will find a way to tax us, even if the car drives itself :-).
I have seen a Game called Black Mirror, but I think you are talking about a movie ?

It is a British Series, there are 3 series to date. They are about 1 hour in length and each episode stands alone, so you don't have to see them sequentially. It is dark sci-fi dystopian kind of stuff. Also, the Sci-fi part part of it is very much, "just around the corner". I have seen all episodes at least once and plan on reviewing them again.(might be hard to find the time, due to my new Steemit obsession)

The series will definitely cause some deep thought and contemplation. Something I believe is reflected in your posts.

BTW, you're not a robot, are you?

And one last question, is your profile name related to the George Lucas film THX 1138?



That sounds very interesting. I'll try to watch them.

Am I a robot? That is a good question. Well, I think, I can't really tell, because if I were one, I could not recognize it. My standpoint would be to low and I could not get the higher perspective. So I can't really answer that. At the moment, I would tend to say that I'm not a robot, but who knows...
Kind of a philosophical standpoint.

Yes, my name is inspired by the sound-system. In my first post, I wrote about posting some of my music tracks, which I haven't done yet. I like electronic sounds.
You are doing a quite good analysis!

The Steemit-platform is doing well and makes fun. Although, I would like to see a different voting-system (without whales?). And a better search function. Also I'm having problems following others, because some of my followers spam a lot with resteem, which is annoying.

So have you seen the THX 1138 movie. I bought the movie when it was first available, but heard that it was such a bad movie that I haven't got around to watching it.

Yes, I also do not like the high spam esteem thing. Until I get up to speed on posts, I try to limit my esteeming to no more than 2/day

That's funny. I also haven't seen the movie. Just played some minutes and that's it.
Resteeming is not a bad idea. If I see something that's worth it, I do it. Like you wrote, I keep it low.

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