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RE: 10 Reasons You Have To Quit Your Day Job

in #jobs7 years ago

This was a delightful article. You succeeded on several levels; for the sake of brevity, I'll list five:

  1. Great Title: It's pithy and was interesting enough to get me to click through to the post. That first exposure is the most difficult part, so kudos there.

  2. Pertinent Subject: Quitting one's day job is something everybody has considered, so it's immediately relatable to a broad audience.

  3. Numbered List Format: Numbered lists effectively break apart dense information and make it easier to digest, while also tending to inspire action.

  4. Memorable Imagery: The writing style here is evocative, as now (15 minutes after having read it) the subway car scene sticks in my mind. All the exhausted, beaten-down people staring at the muddy floor then leads into a meaty rumination on how our social hierarchy could change at the drop of an apocalypse, leaving the homeless omega in a position of dominance. Good stuff!

  5. Solid Advice: This article reminds me of something Alan Watts once said: "If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living--that is, in order to go on doing things you don't like doing."

I only just joined SteemIt and started perusing the posts, so I'm glad to have stumbled across yours. Congratulations on quitting your day job and writing a thought-provoking article on the subject.

Do I detect hints of a sequel detailing your "evil plan"? ಠ‿↼

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