Job Accountabilities vs Detail of Execution

in #jobs7 years ago (edited)

There is a lot of confusion about how to develop Mini Job Description within Resume, CV o Profiles

  • Accountability is an assurance that an individual or an organization will be evaluated on their performance or behavior related to something for which they are responsible. ... Corporate accountability involves being answerable to all an organization's stakeholders for all actions and results.

  • Accountability is a noun that describes accepting responsibility, and it can be personal or very public. A government has accountability for decisions and laws affecting its citizens; an individual has accountability for acts and behaviors. Sometimes, though, taking accountability means admitting you made a mistake.

  • The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property.

In the context of a Job Description and under the HAY Standards a Job Accountability is what you are responsible to execute in your Job. The lower the job level, the less accountability and hence more process involved and more detail.

Under certain perspective the Job Accountabilities area the Medium/Long Term Objectives of the Position and they have a classical structure:

  • Action {A(w) over a Business Function {F(x)} to produce an Organizational Result {R(z)

  • Organizational Result {R(z) produced by an Action {A(w) over a Business Function {F(x)}

Accountabilities are not details nor activities of how you execute your work. They must be though out. In fact, If a company give you a poor Job Description you are doomed. And if you have been in a Job for more than a Year and you do not know what were you supposed to achieved, then you either can write up accountabilities for that Job.

The Business Functions correspond to the classical organizational structure:

  • Research & Development
  • Manufacturing or Production
  • Supply Chain & Distribution
  • Marketing
  • Sales & Customer Services
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • General Managment

The actions are of Prevision, Conexion, Verification, Ordering, and Direction, under three planes: Strategic, Tactical and Operational.

A Basic Business Function degrades into SubFunctions and Processes. The lower your position you end up doing details of single step of a process.

A good job description establishes clearly what everyone in the organization is responsible for what, and kills finger pointing.

Do not confuse Accountabilties with Activities nor Goals nor Metrics nor Achievements

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