Why Was Jobs Brought Back To Apple

in #jobs5 years ago

I wonder a lot of times why some people are so much a genius why others aren't. You will admit you aren't one or maybe you are one.

The truth is we all got brain so we are all geniuses, the only thing that differentiate us all is the way we utilize it.


It is sometimes very rare to see the board of directors of a company bring back a CEO who already left, maybe Jobs was one of those rare cases.
Steve was brought back to his company by the board of directors of Apple in 1996, 20 years after he had co-founded it. Apple today has become the world's largest IT company by asset and revenue, it ha become the second largest manufacturer of mobile phone after Samsung (So they say).

Do you think Jobs Brought Apple Back to live?

Apple was a sinking ship in the 19th0's, In 1996, Apple was said to have lost over $800 million dollars on $9.6 billion in sales, so it was no doubt Apple was sinking. When Steve came back to Apple, there was a change and I guess the credit goes to Steve.


Sometimes, Old Hands Are Needed

Apple actually needed Steve at those trial times although he had cashed out of Apple for years, but he had to come save his dying baby or she would had became history. Apple in its trial days needed the magic, trick, love, passion and professionalism of a founder. Someone who understood the purpose and Steve was that person.

The Board I trust and Can Relate With

If the directors are too concerned with their stakes and voting rights with little or no understanding of a company, then the company is running straight for a doom.

That was why Jobs demanded that all the board members except Woolard resign. (Maybe it could be a simple negotiation like you either resign and let Jobs do this or stay as board and watch us declare bankruptcy). Well, Woolard pleaded for Gareth to remain while others left the table. Jobs was allowed to bring in his team.

Steve showed excellence as he displayed a very good leadership which matched the culture of the company that he had founded, he knew how to sail his boat to a safe habor.




@gbenga, Time never stays the same, it changes constantly. With that our position can change when we change our Mindset. If we think we are genius then we are. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

You are right, time changes and the way we position our mindset is very important

Hi @gbenga
Who more than his own father to rescue his son from the hands of people who didn't know how to grow up in a world of opportunities--

Dear @gbenga

I wonder a lot of times why some people are so much a genius why others aren't.

And I sometimes wonder if Einstein was indeed a genious, or did he do what China does those days: steal intellectual property.
(I'm only adding this comment since you posted Mr Einstein picture).

Steve was brought back to his company by the board of directors of Apple in 1996, 20 years after he had co-founded it.
Jobs demanded that all the board members except Woolard resign.

I'm not very familiar with his life story. Did he found Apple and then quit (or was forced to do so), just to be offered to be re-hired as a CEO?

And he demanded that those who called him back shoud resign? OMG. Seriously?

Someone who understood the purpose and Steve was that person.

IT seem that sometimes we need people with vision more than anything else. And Steve was surely an amazing leader and speaker.

Solid upvote on the way, catch :)
Yours, Piotr

@crypto.piotr thanks for your comment.

Truthfully I do not believe we have different brains we only have different ways we use our brains. You are a genius when you are able to do with your brain what others do not want to stress their brains doing. As for Einstein, the same rule applies to him.

Jobs was actually forced out of his company and I will say he only prepared himself to be lucky and that's why he was the only choice for Apple.

(I am also preparing myself to be lucky so I can be the only choice of the next big deal😀😀😀)

No one doubts his talent, his way of acting perhaps leaves something to be desired.

I always associated Jobs with creative brilliance. I=n his death, I see, a great loss in global creativeness.

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