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RE: Reasons Some People Quit Their Jobs - Does Steemit Relate?

in #jobs7 years ago

The top reasons that would make me quit a job are:

  1. Too stressful
  2. No visible career progression over time (stuck in a dead end rut)
  3. It stops being fun

All 3 of these can relate to Steemit. Thankfully I've avoided the worst of the trolls / miscreants, and I'm generally a team player who stays away from pointless arguments, so stress is definitely not a problem for me here. I've found the community to be very welcoming, friendly, and approachable.

Thankfully #3 is also not a problem. I love writing and being creative; Steemit is an enjoyable hobby, a good way to blow off steam (see what I did there).

#2 is the part causing me grief these days. To get a sense of accomplishment & satisfaction from life, one must experience upward progression. With most things in life (dorm room -> apartment -> house, intern -> entry level grunt -> manager) there's a very clear path forward and well defined steps on how to get there. The problem with Steemit is the progression is fuzzier, less concrete.

I've been here for 6 months. I never figured it would be easy, and I never expected to make a lot of money. Write to write well, not to make money, is my motto. After a while I started to enjoy a modicum of success, getting consistent @curie & whale votes, and great discussion on my posts. I had that sense of progression. It felt amazing. Then New Year's came, and I hit a brick wall. The votes dried up. The comments & engagement lessened. 3 out of my last 4 weekly posts have not done well. The last 2 fell as flat as my very first posts from months ago.

It feels like I'm moving backwards. Doing well on Steemit is certainly merit based, but unlike a real world job there's an element of seeming randomness, a feeling that you have to be lucky to get noticed. And I'm not complaining about whales or curation guilds. They are doing a wonderful job and are a great service to the community. I am thankful for them. But I can't help feeling like something more is needed. I don't know exactly what; perhaps things will get better in time as Steem Power slowly becomes more evenly distributed. But for now there is a tangible sense of floundering about in the murk, not sure how to move forward, and that's a disconcerting feeling indeed.


you have to be lucky to get noticed

Yup. That's why you need to write more frequently and get more visibility out there :) Thanks for the feedback.

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