Eps14 Naked at The Vatican

The title may seem fiction, but it really happen. Playboy model Marisa Papen posed naked with a crucifixion pose, with fake blood, with fake monks, it happened!

A drastic decision to take some photos naked at the Vatican which ended in arrest. She appear to have problems with religious organization or mentality and as a form of disgust towards the so called greedy religious world she posed naked without remorse.
She was arrested for the act, but it did not change her mind. She appear to have a goal with this type of behaviour.

I wanted to bring this story to you because my eyes couldn't believe it. My mind has some questions in a psychological way. It is a story to think about and to reflect upon to educate one on other.

Now you can Follow @JJosephaNews on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/jjosephanews/

I would love to hear your thought on this story. What you think about it?

Source for full story and images: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7998990/playboy-model-marisa-papen-arrested-nudes-crucified-vatican/


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