Kennedy Assassination from eyes of one of his Secret Service Agents. Did Joe Kennedy call in a favor from Giancana? You decide! Did Robert go after the mafia though Joe promised they wouldn't? Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Kilgallen parallels?

in #jfk3 years ago (edited)

The Secret Service was started in 1865.
Formed under the Treasury Department to suppress the counterfeiting of American Currency.
That was the jurisdiction of the SS for many years.

Then when it seemed that assassination became a way of life. . .
Lincoln was assassinated in 1865
Garfield in 1892
McKinley in 1902

So 3 in 36 years assassinated.
They realized they needed to get someone to protect the president.

As Secret Service was the only enforcement agency in government at that time, they were chosen to receive that honor.

A difficult job, which of course did not stop the assassinations.

Someone took a shot at Roosevelt in 1933 and killed Mayor Cermak of Chicago who was sitting next to him.

See the announcement in the Chicago Daily Tribune here,

1948 attempt on Truman.

November 22, 1963 assassination of JFK.

Attempt on Ford two times.
Same year within just 6 weeks.

1981 Reagan was shot.

J. Walter Coughlin, former Secret Service agent to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, Vice President Humphrey, and other dignitaries, shares his memories of those harrowing times.

Coughlin grew up on a farm in Iowa.

Got a football scholarship to the University of Maryland.

After getting his degree, had the opportunity to serve in the Secret Service.

First assignment was temporary with President Eisenhower.

Only there for 30 days.

Eisenhower was a born soldier. Treated them with respect and as soldiers.

Kennedy was fun to be around.

Couglin describes him as a wonderful guy.

He ran against Nixon.

In those days it was said that a Catholic could never be President.

Kennedy did become president, many questions swirl around that campaign.

Some felt he didn't really win the election.

They claimed the unions were very much behind Kennedy and were interested in Kennedy getting them back into Cuba for the gambling.

Some said Kennedy had promised to do that.

If he didn't carry Virginia, he would not win the election.

It is said that a guy named Samuel Giancana
who ran the mafia in south Chicago
was a friend of Joe Kennedy [Kennedy money made at the World Trade Center in Chicago, not from Massachusetts]

Giancana talked to John L. Lewis, the head of the Coal Mine Union in West Virginia and they discussed Kennedy needing to win the election.

Kennedy did not win Illinois.
It is said in a certain county there that if you are a Republican, when you die, you become a voting Democrat.

Kennedy was kind to the Secret Service people.
The children were little
Jacqueline was sweet.
It was Camelot.

Vietnam was going on
Bay of Pigs [CUBA] came about because Kennedy and the administration put the help of Organized Crime wanting to get back into Nevada for the gambling.

So the Bay of Pigs happened which was based on Cuban refugees trying to get back into Cuba in boats and take over the country.

They were promised air cover that never came.

Some were told Robert MacNamara said he would cover them, but the help never came.

Robert Strange McNamara was an American business executive and the eighth United States Secretary of Defense, serving from 1961 to 1968 under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He played a major role in escalating the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War.

McNamara became a close adviser to Kennedy and advocated the use of a blockade during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy and McNamara instituted a Cold War defense strategy of flexible response, which anticipated the need for military responses short of massive retaliation.

The air cover for the refugees never came and it failed.

Then there was the blockade of Cuba when missile were said to be coming in from Russia.

Kennedy stopped those boats.

SS and Kennedy were on Air Force One going on a trip, when they turned around over Iowa and came back.

Kennedy had received information about missiles being sent to Cuba.

All the missile sites in the United States were on stand by because they thought it could start a war.

They were not going to let the Russians unload the weapons in Cuba.

They put up the blockade and the Russians turned around.

Kennedy was dealing with Vietnam, traveling a lot and Coughlin says he was also very careless and a very free swinging guy.

He was a people person and loved being around people, shaking people's hands.

People liked him so it made it difficult to protect Kennedy because he would walk into the middle of a crowd and think nothing of it.

Kennedy also had been injured in WWII so he wore a back brace.

He was told not to take the trip to Texas.
Most in the Secret Service begged him not to take that trip.

It was known there were a lot of problems going on politically.

He did the trip anyway because LBJ wanted him to.

Coughlin did the Advance Arraign the day before in San Antonio where Kennedy dedicated Cook Army Hospital.

Kennedy went on to Houston and Coughlin went back to D.C.

Kennedy spent the night in Forth Worth, then went on to Dallas.

The crowds were tremendous.

Coughlin worked on the shift of the follow up car for the Secret Service that day.

All of Coughlin's best friends were in the security in the motorcade.

They said the crowds were extreme and they had to stop the motorcade a couple of times from people getting out into the street and it got out of hand.

Kennedy loved it, but the Secret Service didn't.

Their job was to keep him alive
his job was to get reelected.

They had to make that turn heading toward the Book Depository because the car they were in couldn't make the curb if they had gone straight up Pacific Street as the curb they couldn't make to get to Stemmons freeway.

They had to make the turn and then go left at Stemmons FWY to avoid the curb.

No one in the follow up car saw anything strange at the Book Depository.

There were windows opened which bothered them, but they couldn't see anyone.

When they made the turn down the hill, the three shots rang out.

In the follow up car there were 6 agents.
2 in the car
4 on a running board

As the shots came from the high right rear, all the agents hearing the shots turned high right.

Secret Service Agent to JFK : J. Walter Coughlin

Check out more history on Giancana

According to some sources, Giancana and the Mafia were involved in John F. Kennedy's victory in the 1960 presidential election. During the 1960s, he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a plot to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Conspiracy theorists consider Giancana along with Mafia leaders Santo Trafficante Jr. and Carlos Marcello associated with the assassination of Kennedy. In 1965, Giancana was convicted of contempt of court, serving one year in prison. After his release from prison, Giancana fled to Cuernavaca, Mexico. In 1974, he was deported to the United States, returning to Chicago. Giancana was murdered on June 19, 1975, in Oak Park, Illinois, shortly before he was scheduled to appear before the Church Committee.

The 42 Gang's name was a reference to Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. They thought they were one better, hence 42) Giancana soon developed a reputation as an excellent getaway driver, a high earner, and a vicious killer. After Esposito's murder, in which Giancana was allegedly involved, the 42 Gang was transformed into a de facto extension of the Chicago Outfit.

During the late 1930s, Giancana became the first 42er to join the Chicago Outfit. From the early 1940s through the 1950s, he controlled most of the illegal gambling, illegal liquor distribution, and numerous other political rackets in Louisiana through longtime friend H. A. (Hol) Killian. Killian controlled the majority of the liquor license issuance by his associations with longtime New Orleans business associate Carlos Marcello.[citation needed] In 1939 Giancana was convicted of bootlegging, and sentenced to four years in Leavenworth Prison and Terre Haute Federal Correctional Complex.

After his release from prison in 1942, Giancana made a name for himself by convincing Accardo, then the Outfit's underboss, to stage a takeover of Chicago's African-American "policy" (lottery) payout system for the Outfit. Giancana's crew is believed to have been responsible for convincing Eddie Jones to quit his racket and leave the country. Giancana's crew was also responsible for the August 4, 1952 murder of African-American gambling boss Theodore Roe. Both Jones and Roe were major South Side gambling bosses. Roe had refused to surrender control of his operation as the Outfit had demanded, and on June 19, 1951, Roe fatally shot Leonard "Fat Lennie" Caifano, a made man of Giancana's crew.

Some journalists claimed that Giancana and his Chicago crime syndicate "played a role" in John F. Kennedy's victory in the 1960 presidential election.

Hyman Larner was an associate of Giancana's who helped expand the Outfit's gambling and smuggling operations to Panama and Iran, moving the organization's Miami operation's headquarters to Panama where money laundering was more easily facilitated by local banks. These operations were conducted as a partnership between the Mafia and the CIA. By 1966, this partnership had developed into arms smuggling to the Middle East for the Israeli Mossad, all via Panama.

Richard Cain, a corrupt police officer, also made "frequent trips" to and from Mexico as Giancana's courier and financial adviser.

It is widely reputed and was partially corroborated by the Church Committee hearings that during the Kennedy administration, the CIA recruited Giancana and other mobsters to assassinate Fidel Castro. Giancana reportedly said that CIA and the Cosa Nostra were "different sides of the same coin".

Judith Exner claimed to be the mistress of both Giancana and JFK, and that she delivered communications between them about Castro. Giancana's daughter Antoinette has stated that her father was performing a scam to pocket millions of CIA dollars.

Documents released during 1997 revealed that some Mafiosi worked with CIA on assassination attempts against Castro.CIA documents released during 2007 confirmed that during September 1960, CIA recruited ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu to meet with the West Coast representative of the Chicago mob, Johnny Roselli. When Maheu contacted Roselli, Maheu hid that he was sent by CIA, instead portraying himself an advocate for international corporations. He offered $150,000 to have Castro killed, but Roselli refused any pay. Roselli introduced Maheu to two men he called Sam Gold and Joe. "Sam Gold" was Giancana; "Joe" was Santo Trafficante Jr., the Tampa syndicate boss and one of the most powerful mobsters in prerevolution Cuba.

Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post explained: "After Fidel Castro led a revolution that toppled the government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, CIA was desperate to eliminate Castro. So, the agency sought out a partner equally worried about Castro—the Mafia, which had lucrative investments in Cuban casinos".

According to the declassified CIA "Family Jewels" documents, Giancana and Trafficante were contacted in September 1960 about the possibility of an assassination attempt by Maheu after Maheu had contacted Roselli, a Mafia member in Las Vegas and Giancana's number-two man. Maheu had presented himself as a representative of numerous international businesses in Cuba that Castro was expropriating. He offered $150,000 for the "removal" of Castro through this operation (the documents suggest that neither Roselli, Giancana, nor Trafficante accepted any payment for the job). Giancana suggested using poison pills to dose Castro's food and drink. CIA gave these pills to Giancana's nominee, Juan Orta, whom Giancana presented as a corrupt official in the new Cuban government and who had access to Castro. After six attempts to introduce the poison into Castro's food, Orta abruptly demanded to be relieved from the mission, giving the job to another, unnamed participant.

According to the "Family Jewels", Giancana asked Maheu to wire the room of his then mistress Phyllis McGuire, singer of the McGuire Sisters, whom he suspected of having an affair with comedian Dan Rowan. Although documents suggest Maheu acquiesced, the device was not planted due to the arrest of the agent who had been tasked with planting it. According to the documents, Robert F. Kennedy prohibited the prosecution of the agent and of Maheu, who was soon linked to the wire attempt, at CIA's request. Giancana and McGuire, who had a long-lasting affair, were originally introduced by Frank Sinatra. According to Antoinette Giancana, during part of the affair, McGuire had a concurrent affair with President Kennedy.

When Giancana was called before a grand jury on June 1, 1965, he remained silent despite being granted immunity, which resulted in his jailing for contempt for more than a year, the duration of the grand jury.

Just take a look at those Numbers! #ThereAreNoCoincidences

After Giancana's return to the United States, police detailed officers to guard his house in Oak Park, Illinois, but on the night of June 19, 1975, shortly before he was scheduled to appear before the Church Committee, which was investigating CIA and Cosa Nostra collusion, a gunman entered the home through the basement and shot Giancana in the **head and neck seven times with a .22 caliber pistol. At around 11 p.m., **Joseph DiPersio, Giancana's caretaker, found his body on the floor of the basement kitchen where he was said to be frying sausage and peppers.

The cabal loves to certain words, numbers to signal their presence. Just interesting!

Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK is a 1992 non-fiction book by Bonar Menninger outlining a theory by sharpshooter, gunsmith, and ballistics expert Howard Donahue that a Secret Service agent accidentally fired the shot that actually killed President John F. Kennedy.

How did Oswald get back into the United States?
Why is there no record of how he got back in with the State Dept.?
Did he come in underground? You decide.

From Honey,

President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy raised two children together during their time in the White House, but just a few years earlier they had suffered the tragic loss of their first daughter.

Jackie had already suffered one miscarriage in 1955 when she fell pregnant for the second time, and she knew carrying the child to term would be no easy task.

Due in September of 1956, Jackie made it past the three-month mark – the stage where she miscarried the first time – through her second trimester and into the third before things went wrong.

While JFK was away with friends cruising the Mediterranean on a yacht, Jackie's pregnancy came to an abrupt and heartbreaking end.

She woke on the morning of 23 August 1956 bleeding heavily. Not long after, Jackie delivered their first child, a daughter Jackie named Arabella. She was stillborn.

According to reports, Jackie never officially named her first daughter, nor does the name "Arabella" appear on any formal documents or in any written records.

However, those closest to Jackie have claimed time and again that the former First Lady referred to her stillborn child by that name as she mourned in the months following the traumatic delivery.

JFK soon returned from his trip abroad to be with Jackie, though it wasn't his first reaction, according to the Huffington Post.

The outlet suggests that he had to be encouraged to return to his grieving wife by friends.

"You better haul your ass back to your wife if you ever want to run for president," friend George Smathers reportedly told him. And so JFK did.

In the years that followed, Jackie and JFK would welcome two healthy children, a daughter named Caroline in 1957 and a son named John Jr. in 1960.

The couple welcomed a third child in 1963, but baby Patrick Kennedy was born five-and-a-half-weeks premature and died after just 39 hours.

Though only two of her children survived past infancy, Jackie reportedly viewed all of her pregnancies with the same love and devotion.

When editing a book written by her friend, historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jackie confirmed that she and JFK had "five children in ten years".

He did well at breakfast this morning, but after he had shaved and gotten dressed, we put crisco on his back and eczema on his arms [which we have mostly healed with the coconut oil at times and lately crisco], then we did laundry and he had about 30 min. of free time to listen to his music.

I checked on him and he was laying down which is unusual as he also spends a great deal of time with everyone in the main part of the house. I sat down with him and asked what was up? He said body aches, I made him some peppermint tea and he started getting sniffles so did up an orange right away with two small pieces of peel and took one of the glass atomizers with fine mist nose sprayer and some colloidal silver to spray in his nose.

He's now up and talking saying the peppermint tea is helping him breath better. Also gave him a few walnuts as you know that kept me well when taking care of you and daddy while you were really sick. He has also found that he loves nuts. I keep peanuts and some nuts usually from Aldi's bagged variety on hand as a snack as they are nutritionally dense and it helps to encourage healthy nutrition vs. eating empty calories that won't build your immune system.

We just now put his clothes I washed in the dryer. I showed him how to put two clean dry towels in to save on energy and help them dry faster. He is all excited about getting clean clothes.

He even brought the spider man hamper I got him down to the laundry and is excited to get clean clothes.

Don't ya know when he was in the bathroom I went into his room and got more of his things to put in that I knew he had worn. He caught me, but it wasn't a big deal as I reminded it's okay, he will get them right back as you know he loves to fold his own clothes. He is feeling better now.

Of course there is the God component as to why he felt better faster, but that's too much info for most right now, so we continue with the back up of what God gave naturally. He really is All Powerful though. I have witnessed it with my own eyes!


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